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Switch eShop

Nintendo has updated the Japanese release schedule on its platforms for the week of February 13, 2020. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital download schedule:


It was way back in September 2018 that we first heard about ibb & obb for Switch. Although there hasn’t been much news since, the game is finally on the horizon.

Developer Richard Boeser has indicated that ibb & obb is currently planned to launch on Switch sometime in March. Sparpweed Games is also currently creating a new trailer, so expect to see that soon.

Here’s an overview of ibb & obb, along with an older video:

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics is out now on Switch. For a look at the game’s launch trailer, continue on below.

Mass Creation today shared a new trailer for Shing!, its upcoming beat ’em up title for Switch. Watch the video below.

According to an eShop listing, Zero Zero Zero Zero will be released on Switch this week. Ratalakia Games will publish the 1-bit low-fi platformer on February 7 via the eShop.

Here’s an overview of Zero Zero Zero Zero, along with a trailer:

Krome Studios posted a brief off-screen video this week showing off Ty the Tasmanian Tiger running on Switch in handheld mode. Check it out below.

The critically-acclaimed interactive storybook Florence is coming to Switch, publisher Annapurna Interactive and developer Mountains have announced. It will launch digitally via the eShop on March 13.

Here’s an overview of Florence:

Publisher Fellow Traveller and developer Jump Over the Age announced today that the narrative adventure In Other Waters is making its way to Switch. The game is slated for Spring 2020.

In Other Waters will have players discovering life in an alien ocean as they assist a stranded xenobiologist on a journey of exploration. More details and a trailer can be found below.

Creator Jonathan Holmes is bringing his top-down, tile-based puzzler Circuit Dude to Switch. Holmes confirmed an eShop release for later this month, but a specific date hasn’t been shared.

We have the following overview and trailer for Circuit Dude:

Following its announcement at E3 2019 last June, The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics is out on Switch today. Watch a half hour of gameplay below.

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