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Switch eShop

Hell Warders

PQube and Anti-Gravity Game Studios have determined a release date for the tower defense action RPG Hell Warders. The game will release on January 17 as a digital download, the two sides confirmed today.

We have the following overview plus trailer:

Malkyrs Studio confirmed today that it will release Malkyrs: The Interactive Card Game on Switch next year. The virtual trading card game with customizable physical cards that come to life via NFC and RFID technology launches in Q3.

Here’s a bunch of information about the project, along with a trailer:

Following today’s leak, Epic Games has officially announced Creative mode for Fortnite. Players will be able to “design games, race around the island, battle your friends in new ways and build your dream Fortnite.” The action takes place “on your own private island where everything you make is saved.”

Season 7 will host the launch of Creative mode, where Battle Pass owners can have access to a private island starting December 6. Everyone will then have access for free on December 13.

Fight of Gods has received a release date on Switch. According to a Japanese eShop listing, it’ll be out on December 13.

Here’s an overview from Steam, along with a trailer:

In what probably should have been announcement at The Game Awards tomorrow, news regarding a new Fortnite mode has leaked early. Head past the break for first details and footage.

Battle Princess Madelyn

Battle Princess Madelyn was last scheduled to reach Switch tomorrow as a digital download. Unfortunately, a last-minute delay has been announced. The Switch version (and PlayStation 4) are now targeted for launch one week later.

Casual Bit Games said of the delay:

Super Treasure Arena

Headup Games is publishing Super Treasure Arena on Switch, the company announced today. We can expect to see it on the eShop starting December 24.

Here’s an overview:

Atomicom announced today that its Mars based survival sandbox game JCB Pioneer: Mars is heading to Switch. A release is planned for December 24.

Originally, JCB Pioneer: Mars debuted on Steam Early Access. The team has since addressed user feedback, added a bunch of updates and improvements “including a huge increase in performance, new and improved UI, new tools, refined gameplay and much more.” Designer Tamsyn Hastings adds: “We’ve made drastic improvements across the board; refining playability and in game experiences, implementing new explorable areas and mechanics which allow us to show more game depth than the original early access release.”

Blue Rider

Eastasiasoft Limited has announced a partnership with Argentinian developer Ravegan to bring the 3D shoot’em up Blue Rider to Switch. A worldwide release is planned for December 13.

Here’s an overview, along with a trailer:

Per usual, Hamster is readying a new NeoGeo game for Switch this week. But on top of that, Double Dragon II: The Revenge will be available on the eShop as a new arcade title.

We have the following overview:

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