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Switch eShop

Kid Tripp, which came to Switch a few months ago, will soon be getting another update. On Twitter, developer Four Horses confirmed that customizable controls will be added.

Here’s a look:

It also sounds like Kidd Trip will be adding a tutorial. Once that’s done, the patch will be submitted to Nintendo for review, though the entire process will take some time.


The Sexy Brutale has been updated on Switch, bringing the game up to version 1.0.4. Tequilla Works hasn’t commented on the latest patch, but we should have a decent idea as to what it does.

Tequilla Works has previously said that an update was in the works to improve performance and resolution when docked and playing in portable mode, to solve some freezing issues, and to fix some text strings. This was intended to be addressed with version 1.0.3, which was pulled soon after going live due to its ineffectiveness. We assume that the original planned improvements are finally live, but we’ll let you know if Tequilla Works commented on the new update officially.


Paradise Lost: First Contact was funded on Kickstarter over four years ago. Although it still hasn’t released, Asthree Works hasn’t ceased development.

We also have confirmation that Paradise Lost: First Contact is no longer planned for Wii U. Asthree Works says “Switch will be the first console version of the game.” Additionally, those who originally backed the project on Wii U will be moved over to Switch.

Thanks to Louis J for the tip.


Earlier today, Hamster held a special event to celebrate Arcade Archives reaching one million downloads worldwide. As part of that, the next wave of NeoGeo games for Switch were revealed.

The full lineup is as follows:

During its latest live stream, Arc System Works showed off footage from Damascus Gear: Operation Tokyo on Switch. View the full recording below.

This week’s Switch eShop charts are as follows:


1. Bayonetta
2. Bayonetta 2
3. Arcade Archives Vs. Super Mario Bros.
4. Stardew Valley
5. Rocket League
6. Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition
7. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
8. Overcooked: Special Edition
9. Celeste
10. Super Mario Odyssey
11. Zelda: Breath of the Wild
12. The Flame in the Flood
13. Resident Evil Revelations 2
14. Fe
15. Splatoon 2
16. Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 Plus
17. Dragon Quest Builders
18. Resident Evil Revelations
19. Snipperclips
20. FIFA 18

Source: Switch eShop


Earthlock is launching on Switch next week, a listing on the North American eShop reveals. SnowCastle Games will publish the title on March 8 for $29.90.

Earthlock, an RPG, previously came to Wii U. But on Switch, the game will have major improvements and changes with regard to the story, side quests, performance, cut-scenes and more. We have more information about this here.

Continue on below for additional details and a trailer for Earthlock.

Several new games out came out this week on the eShop. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a look at the gallery below.

Hamster brought yet another classic game to Switch this week in the form of Star Force. Have a look at some footage below.

Atooi has discounted Mutant Mudds Collection on Switch. Normally priced at $14.99, the digital package is now down to $7.49.

Mutant Mudds Collection has three games in one. It includes Mutant Mudds Deluxe, Mutant Mudds Super Challenge, and Mudd Blocks.

Source: Switch eShop

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