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Switch eShop

Too Kind Studio was looking to bring Pankapu: The Dreamkeeper to Wii U following a successful Kickstarter campaign last year. However, those plans have now changed.

On Twitter, Too Kind Studio posted an image of Pankapu on Switch, hinting at an upcoming release on the new platform. The developer has since clarified that the Wii U version has been scrapped, and will now focus on Switch.

The tweet is as follows:


Gamereactor shared a new interview with Shin’en CEO Manfred Linzer today. We’ve picked out a few highlights, but you can read the full discussion here.

Linzer chatted about what’s new with FAST RMX, Switch in general, and confirmed HD Rumble support. Read his comments below.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed developer has announced that its new puzzle-platformer Snake Pass is planned for Switch.

Even though it’s been in development for just a month, Sumo Digital COO Paul Porter says it’s going well. He said:

“Considering the short amount of time we have been working on the platform and the fact that the Switch isn’t launched yet, things have gone surprisingly well. We had the game up and running within a week. Nintendo and Epic have given us tremendous support when needed. The use of Unreal gave us a great head start when we first got the hardware.”

Eurogamer reports that Snake Pass supports TV, tabletop and handheld modes on the Switch, running at 30 frames per second at 720p when undocked. It will be 30 frames per second and 1080p when docked.

Snake Pass will launch on Switch at the same time as other platforms early this year. Watch a trailer for the game below.

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GalaxyTrail put out a demo for Freedom Planet 2 on PC today. Thanks to that, fans are able to get a feel for the gameplay. Check out some footage from the demo below.

IronFall Invasion developer VD-Dev announced RISE: Race The Future for Switch and Wii U. Development is moving forward – despite the sad passing of the studio’s co-founder Fernando Velez.

Some platform changes have been made since the original announcement. For one thing, Wii U is now out of the picture. VD-Dev is also focusing on PC first, with other platforms to follow. VD-Dev still hopes to make a Switch version, but since the game is initially launching at the end of this year, we won’t be seeing it on a Nintendo platform until 2018.


Having already confirmed Tank It! for Switch, Bplus is announcing two more games for Switch. Puzzle Box and Bit Boy!! Arcade Deluxe should also be on the eShop at some point.

Bplus shared the news in an anniversary video published late last week. The clip also shows a look at Tank It!, which is currently planned for September.


Zoink Games is working on a new project, and it looks to be planned for Switch. The studio shared some new concept art today with a hashtag of the system attached to the end.

The tweet in question is as follows:

That definitely comes across as a tease. Just might be too early for Zoink to be talking about the game.

Thanks to ContraNetwork for the tip.


Update: Playtonic now has a post up on Kickstarter about how console backers will soon be able to prepare their final platform choices. We’ve included all of the relevant information after the break.

Original: Yooka-Laylee has gone gold, Playtonic announced today. Work on the game is now finished 21 months after the game’s Kickstarter campaign ended.

Playtonic wrote in a website post:

“We couldn’t have reached this moment without the incredible support of our backers, fans, family and friends across the games industry. Thanks again for your unwavering enthusiasm for our studio. We hope you enjoy Yooka-Laylee when it releases on April 11!”

Playtonic will ship the PS4, Xbox One, and PC versions on April 11. However, the Switch release will likely take a bit of extra time.

In other news, former Rare staffer Gary Richards has joined the team. Richards previously was the lead designer on Viva Pinata. He also worked in testing on games including Perfect Dark, Banjo-Tooie and Conker’s Bad Fur Day.

thatgamecompany isn’t ruling out Switch for its next project. When asked if the upcoming title will be on Nintendo’s new system, the company wrote:

thatgamecompany last developed Journey, which launched in 2012. The studio said in 2013 that Wii U would be an “option” after its contract ended to produce three games with Sony. Since Switch is taking Wii U’s place, the new platform would make much more sense to support – if thatgamecompany ultimately decides to bring its project to a Nintendo console that is.

Thanks to Adimaza for the tip.


The original Shovel Knight features amiibo support in a variety of ways. Yacht Club Games’ special figure unlocks co-op, exclusive challenge stages, and more.

For the newest addition to Shovel Knight – that being Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment of course – Yacht Club Games is once again supporting amiibo. Nintendo’s site mentions how you’ll be able to “summon a spirit of Shovelry to keep you company during your quest”.

That note is specifically stated for Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment on Switch. However, the same functionality will likely be included in the Wii U and 3DS versions as well. Hopefully Yacht Club Games provides additional information before launch in March.

Thanks to whitespy12 for the tip.


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