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Switch eShop

Pro Tennis World Court

Pro Tennis World Court and Fighting Hawk were the latest Arcade Archives titles on Switch, and we now have gameplay of both. This comes as part of the latest live stream from Famitsu.

Here’s a bit of information about the two games:

AI Somnium Files - nirvanA Initiative release date

Listings on the eShops provide file sizes for a bunch of Switch games. These include AI: The Somnium Files – nirvanA Initiative, Rabbids: Party of Legends, and more.

Here’s the full roundup:


Kingdom Two Crowns 1.20 update

The latest update for Kingdom Two Crowns is here, with the game moving up to version 1.20 on Switch.

One of the major additions this time around are difficulty modes, with Peaceful, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Cursed options available. That’s along with balance changes, fixes, and more.

The full patch notes for the Kingdom Two Crowns version 1.20 update are as follows:

Source of Madness gameplay

Following the release of Source of Madness on Switch this week, we now have gameplay. The footage shows off the just-released side-scrolling dark action roguelite.

For more on Source of Madness, read the following overview:

wolfstride gameplay

Following the launch of Wolfstride on Switch this week, gameplay has come in. A new video shows off the RPG with 14 minutes of footage.

You can find some additional information about Wolfstride below. 

Flippin Kaktus gameplay

Flippin Kaktus arrived on Switch this week, and those that want to get a look at the game can do so with new gameplay. A total of 20 minutes of footage is available.

Below is some information about the “action-driven vendetta”:

nintendo switch sports trailer

This week’s Switch eShop charts are as follows:


roundguard encore update 2.0

The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild and Wonderbelly Games have announced that a new Encore Update is now live for Roundguard, their Peggle-like rogue-like. The expansion gives each character their own series of escalating Encore ranks to explore and adds tons of new gameplay variety and new rewards to unlock.

Below are further details on the new 2.0 “Encore Update” for Roundguard:

Reverse Collapse Code Name Bakery CG and gameplay trailers

XD and Sunborn Network today unveiled a new CG trailer and gameplay preview for Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery, their upcoming tactical RPG.

Starting with the CG video, XD says it “transcends the player into the Reverse Collapse universe, where, Jefuty, the protagonist sets foot on a treacherous journey to survive the war. The animated trailer sheds light on Jefuty’s backstory that undertakes in the depth of winter and introduces the new character, Sugar, who may look amiable and cute in the front, but her spiked tail discloses her actual character in the back, malicious and fierce.”

GrimGrimoire OnceMore, the Switch remake of the PS2 classic GrimGrimoire, has received a new characters trailer. In this trailer, all the students and teachers are introduced alongside the voice over cast for the game.

The video is entirely in Japanese, but it shows off the beautiful art from developer Vanillaware as well as some gameplay for story segments. 

The full list of Voice Actors/Actresses with their voiced character can be found in the list below. 

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