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Nintendo Switch

Variety caught up with Panic Button head Adam Creighton at E3 this week. During the discussion, some interesting information was shared about the company’s plans and porting efforts with Switch.

According to Creighton, Panic Button has spent close to six years working with the Switch hardware, including early development tech.

NieR: Automata

At E3 this year, Square Enix announced a new platform for NieR: Automata, as it’s coming to Xbox One. Unfortunately, a Switch version wasn’t revealed – though the possibility of it happening in the future may remain.

During an official Square Enix Presents stream from E3 today, director Yoko Taro, producer Yosuke Saito, and designer Takahisa Taura appeared in a brief message. The three touched on the Xbox One port, but Taro then brought up a Switch version. There was some light-hearted discussion taking place here so it’s unclear how much of it should be taken seriously, but Saito did say that it might be able to happen if enough people show interest by asking Taura on Twitter. Saito then seemed to make a joke that if it were to come to Switch, it could take two years since they want to keep their jobs going “by releasing a little by little.”

This information comes from Valkyria Chronicles producer Kei Mikami…

– Valkyria Chronicles 4’s new class, the Grenadier, was inspired by a bug they found during the development of the first game
– Toward the end of development, a bug would pop up that caused your squad’s tanks to shoot grenades instead of shells
– They were able to fix the bug, but the team actually enjoyed this long range grenade style of play
– They even wanted to add it as a new class in the first Valkyria Chronicles
– It was too late in development to make that large of a change and the idea had to be scrapped
– They tried to bring it back for the second Valkyria Chronicles, but couldn’t make it work there either
– Now that Valkyria Chronicles 4 is returning to the large maps of the original, the grenadier fit in much better
– They also wanted to add a more cinematic sort of attack to this game, comparing the falling grenades to WW2 movies where soldiers are running with explosions all around them
– The grenadier is a risky unit to use
– It can shoot grenades very far but is extremely slow
– It also needs to set up before attacking, which leaves them vulnerable to enemy fire
– This makes it a much different unity than most others, so it’s interesting to hear how long the idea has been around for


Here’s a neat little tidbit about Sheik in Smash Bros. Ultimate. As it turns out, the design takes some inspiration from Zelda: Breath of the Wild. As shown in the image above, it centers around the Stealth Armor Set from that game.


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