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Kadokawa Games has some interest in Switch, according to president Yoshimi Yasuda. In a recent interview, Yasuda mentioned that the company is interested in looking into the platform in the future.

Yasuda said:

“We would like to deliver our games to as many peoples as possible, in the best route possible. Therefore, in the future we would like to look into the Nintendo Switch or Steam and any other hardware that has an install base.”

Kadokawa Games helped to develop the Wii-exclusive (and Japan-only) Earth Seeker a few years ago. They’re also responsible for Demon Gaze, and originally published Rodea: The Sky Soldier in Japan.


This week, SEGA held a special meet and greet event in Japan. A number of questions were answered at one point, and some small but interesting information about Project Sonic 2017 was shared. Twitter user BlueStorm_SONIC relayed the information.

First, it was mentioned that Project Sonic 2017 will feature a new character. Unfortunately, specifics weren’t shared beyond that. Another question touched on how connected the game is to Sonic Generations. While the two are separate, you’ll be able to play both classic stages in 2D and modern 3D stages, and another feature will be added on top of that.

Project Sonic 2017 is planned for a 2017 release on Switch and other platforms.


Following Nintendo’s latest financial results briefing earlier in the week, Nintendo shared the full Q&A that took place with investors. However, just like always, it’s only available in Japanese initially. The English translation will likely be posted sometime next week.

In the meantime, Cheesemeister and Takashi Mochizuki have been providing a few unofficial translations. Head past the break for Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima’s comments on third-party support for Switch as well as other tidbits.

A couple of days ago, Nintendo compared The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild to the original NES Legend of Zelda on their Japanese website, offering up a few comparisons in the way Hyrule looks in both games; we translated that article here. Today, Nintendo of Europe released essentially the same article in English. It doesn’t really offer any new insights – even the screenshots are still from the Japanese version. Still, if you wanna take a look at it, you can find the article here.


Following Nintendo’s recent financial results meeting, president Tatsumi Kimishima sat down with Bloomberg and answered a couple of their questions on the Switch and Nintendo’s other future projects. Read the full interview here; below are a couple of interesting excerpts:

Will you discontinue the 3DS?

Thanks to our software, the 3DS hardware is still growing. So that business still has momentum. And certainly rather than being cannibalized by the Switch, we think the 3DS can continue in its own form.

The video didn’t seem like a typical Nintendo promotion. It was aimed at an audience that you would expect for Sony or Apple.

As the name implies, we’re switching a lot of things. But we have no interest in switching our customers. We have no intention of just going after a certain age group. Depending on the kind of software that comes out, families and kids will be able to play too. The titles we did show, those are games that for people who understand they will grasp it right away, but for families and kids, we want them to understand by actually experiencing it.

With Halloween taking place in just a few days, Starfall Studios has prepared a new Sneaky Ninja video showing off the Graveyard Gauntlet area. View it below.

Sneaky Ninja is currently targeted for Q1 2017, mid-January on PC and soon after for Wii U. Starfall Studios is aware that this puts the game close to Switch’s launch, but there’s not much that can be done. That being said, we were told the team has no “concrete plans to port to the Switch yet, but we’d love to do that once we get more info”.

The Switch’s main portable unit contains a port towards the bottom center of the device. Wondering what that’s for? According to a source speaking with Let’s Play Video Games as well as someone “close to the production of the reveal trailer”, that’s a USB-C port used to charge the handheld while away from the Switch Dock. However, due to its position, it won’t be possible to charge Switch when the kickstand is in use.

Early reports about Switch indicate that it doesn’t have the best battery life out there. By going from a proprietary charger standard to a high-capacity, non-proprietary cable Nintendo may be looking to improve things for gamers. This would allow for Switch to be quickly charged using a portable battery pack or a USB port.



Earlier today, Let’s Play Video Games reported that Switch would support microSD cards with a capacity of up to 128MB. The site now adds that Nintendo doesn’t intend to support hard drives as a means of expanding system shortage.

Apparently, Nintendo has some internal concerns that allowing users to attach large external drives to the Dock will cause players to see the system as less inherently portable. That would ultimately damage the company’s core branding of the system being a portable home console. Nintendo also wants players to have the option to disconnect the handheld from the Dock at any point without having to wait for games, save data, or other information to sync.

Nintendo’s way of going about it all is by only allowing data to be stored on the handheld. When you disconnect Switch from the Dock, all the same data is available to the player.



Eurogamer has published a new report with alleged information about Switch.

After contacting several sources, the site has learned that the screen is 6.2″ in size, has a 720p resolution, and features a capacitive multi-touch screen. This is in contrast to Wii U and 3DS which provide resistive touchscreens, reliant on pressure and less precise – not to mention single-touch. With Switch’s screen containing a 10-point multitouch display, multi-finger gestures are supported.

The big question is how touch works when Switch is docked. It may come down to the right JoyCon controller, which has a short-range IR sensor in its base. This may be used to point at the TV to replicate basic touchscreen functionality.

Laura Kate Dale previously claimed that Switch will have a multi-touch screen. Emily Rogers has also reported similar information.



Last week, Nintendo revealed Switch with a three-minute preview trailer. The company also just confirmed yesterday that a special event will be held on January 12 (January 13 in other parts of the world) as part of a proper blowout. Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima reiterated to Bloomberg of the initial video: “By no means was that everything”.

Nintendo’s stock started out strong following the announcement, but has taken a bit of a tumble since. Speaking about that, Kimishima said: “To tell you the truth, I was surprised. I don’t understand why.”

Kimishima also said the following about Switch:

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