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The Japanese ARMS Twitter account is back again with another update. Following up on yesterday’s tweets, Nintendo published tweets with additional news.

First up is a look at an alternate costume for Mechanica, pictured above. Below is a brief video focusing on the Revolver weapon and another look at the Lab stage.

As for the Revolver, players can dish out three shots, though they can be dispatched by the person you’re facing with punches. However, enemies can be stunned by electricity when they’re charged up.



The latest episode of Nintendo’s Japanese show Nyannyan Neko Mario Time has now gone live. We’ve included it below.

We posted a few of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe’s alternative title screens a couple of days ago, but GameXplain now has a video up showing some extra ones. Get a look at the full set below.

Much like Best Buy, Toys “R” Us stores will be selling Switch once again later this week. The retailer is expected to have new units available on Friday, April 28.

As always, it would be best to call your local store ahead of time to verify that stock will be on hand. You may also want to arrive early so that you can be stationed towards the front of the line.



One treasure chest located in Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s huge world can’t be opened with normal means. Located on an island between Aris Beach and Clarnet Coast, the chest won’t move even with Magnesis or any of the game’s other tricks.

That’s where an emulator comes in. Leonardo Ramallo managed to use the tool and the underwater glitch to access the chest. Unfortunately, the results are disappointing. It merely contains a single piece of Opal.

Source, Via

NIS America has sent out a new Disgaea 5 Complete trailer introducing various characters. Usalia, Christo, Red Magnus, and Zeroken are all covered. Here’s the new video:

Following the video released earlier today, SEGA published a trio of Sonic Forces screenshots showing Classic Sonic in action. See them below.

Nintendo announced the first part of its plans for E3 2017. At the big expo in June, a special pre-release, exhibition tournament will be held for Splatoon 2.

Specifics about the tournament haven’t been made known just yet. We should be hearing more in the weeks to come.

Nintendo sent out the following notice on Twitter:


SEGA just went live with a new Sonic Forces video. It showcases brand new footage of Classic Sonic, specifically from Green Hill Zone. Watch the video below.

SEGA America continues to deliver new Puyo Puyo Tetris videos in order to show us how to play and acquire expert techniques when dealing with the game’s strange puzzles.

Take a look at them after the break:

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