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Wii U

Update 2: And now it’s apparently back!

Update: Out of stock now!

Pre-orders for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD went up on Amazon U.S. last week, but we know that those of you in Canada have been waiting on some news. Finally, reservations are up for you guys as well. You can reserve the Zelda: Twilight Princess HD bundle on Amazon Canada here.

Guitar Hero Live has received a discount over on Amazon and Best Buy. It was originally going for $100, but it’s now down to $70. You’ll save $30 with a purchase.

For our friends in Europe, we have a new deal to share pertaining to Xenoblade Chronicles X. You can pick up the game’s special edition for only €51.90 over on Amazon France. That’s €18 off the normal asking price – quite a good deal!

This month’s EDGE review scores are as follows:

Halo 5 – 8
Guitar Hero Live – 9
Life is Strange – 8
Rise of the Tomb Raider – 8
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate – 6
Yakuza 5 – 7
Tales from the Borderlands: Season One – 8
Need for Speed – 4
Prison Architect – 8
Broforce – 8
Minecraft: Story Mode – The Order of the Stone – 6
Rodea: The Sky Soldier – 2


This week’s issue of Famitsu has another update on Genei Ibun Roku #FE. The magazine introduces the Bloom Palace, and also share more about battle elements. Find the information rounded up below courtesy of DokiDokiKusoge’s translation.

– Bloom Palace is basically your home base in the game
– It’s run and managed by Chiki
– Chiki is the key visual character of a voice software
– This is where you strengthen your characters
– Can also talk to your Mirages as well
– This is an important place to them
– As your characters become better Mirage Masters, you gain the ability to use Radiant Unity
– You can then have your characters learn various abilities and skills that activate in battle
– In battle, your Mirages can transform into powerful weapons known as Carnage
– Carnage Unity is a system designed to create new Carnages
– Attack power is different for each weapon, but also element and the sorts of skills they learn
– The key to all of this is Performer power
– Performer is an energy that is gained largely through defeating enemies
– Depending on the enemy you fight, the kind of Performer that can be gained varies
– Mirages can undergo Class Changes
– The way this happens is largely the same as in FE
– You need Master Proofs
– Once you’ve gained these, you can perform class change
– Ex: Chrom going from Lord to Master Lord or Overlord
– Pegasus Knight can class change to Falcon Knight or Dragon Knight
– Social Knight can change to Paladin or Dark Knight
– Armor Knight can change to General or Berserker


Xenoblade Chronicles X is a deep and complex JRPG with tons of customization options available to the player. The combat and character advancement systems are no exceptions to this – you can choose from a total of 16 classes and each of those has multiple abilities (called “arts”) available to them. Check out the video below, which showcases every single art of every class:

Polygon has put up the latest video in its “Devs Make Mario” series. In today’s feature, Towerfall creator Matt Thorson creates a level in the game. View it below.

COGconnected managed to obtain a copy of the North American Xenoblade Chronicles X Special Edition. Take a look at an unboxing video of the product below.

The Nintendo UK store has opened up pre-orders for the Mega Yarn Yoshi amiibo. There are three different options to check out here. There’s the standalone version (£34.99), plus two different bundles at £74.99 and £116.99 which feature items like Yoshi’s Woolly World, other Yoshi amiibo, and a mini bag.

Guitar Hero Live has added new songs from Rival Sons, a rising rock band from Southern California. Those tracks are as follows:

Keep On Swinging (Live)
Pressure and Time (Live)
Electric Man (Live)

Along with songs from Rival Sons, other new music videos are now playable in GHTV today, including new tracks from System of a Down, Judas Priest and more, via the Lords of Metal and Pop Punk Perfection premium shows. They are:

Lords of Metal

System of a Down – Toxicity
Judas Priest – Painkiller
Bullet For My Valentine – Tears Don’t Fall

Pop Punk Perfection

Sum 41 – Fatlip
Four Year Strong – Just Drive
Tonight Alive – Lonely Girl

Finally, before 2015 ends, Activision will introduce more playable live footage from the Guitar Hero Live launch party, including tracks from Weezer and Grizfolk.

Source: Activision PR

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