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GamesIndustry published its own interview with Nintendo of America executive VP of sales and marketing Scott Moffitt. Metroid Prime: Federation Force, amiibo, shortages in general, and the Humble Nindie Bundle (not ruling out its own bundle) were among the topics discussed.

You can read up on what Moffitt had to say in this latest interview below. Be sure to check out GamesIndustry’s original article here as well.

Nintendo UK has prepared a new promo/commercial of sorts for Yoshi’s Woolly World, which launches in Europe today. View it below.

Nintendo has scheduled more maintenance for Wii U and 3DS. Online play, rankings, and other Internet-related elements will be affected.

Here’s when the maintenance period will be taking place:

6 PM PT (Sunday) – 4 AM PT (Monday)
9 PM ET (Sunday) – 7 AM ET (Monday)
2 AM in the UK (Monday) – 12 PM in the UK (Monday)
3 AM in Europe (Monday) – 1 PM in Europe (Monday)

I’ll also mention that Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate maintenance will be undergoing maintenance on Monday. That will be taking place at the following times:

5:30 PM PT (Monday) – 6:30 PM PT (Monday)
8:30 PM ET (Monday) – 9:30 PM ET (Monday)
1:30 AM in the UK (Tuesday) – 2:30 AM in the UK (Tuesday)
2:30 AM in Europe (Tuesday) – 3:30 AM in Europe (Tuesday)


Now that Yoshi’s Woolly World has arrived in Europe, Nintendo Life was able to quiz a couple of the game’s developers on a few different subjects. Nintendo producer Takashi Tezuka and Good-Feel executive producer Etsunobu Ebisu discussed topics such as the Yarn Yoshi amiibo and amiibo functionality in the game itself, why the team decided to revisit the yarn style (they even have additional ideas!), and more.

Read up on some excerpts from the interview below. Those that are interested can find the full talk here.

Nintendo will be attending Hyper Japan Festival 2015, and a number of titles will be on display. The company’s lineup includes Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Star Fox Zero, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes, and more.

Activities planned for Hyper Japan Festival 2015 include:

Visitors to the Nintendo stand will also be able to delve into a special 30th Anniversary section dedicated entirely to Super Mario, and a special themed area that will showcase some of Nintendo’s most iconic games.

Activities on offer include the Super Mario Maker Quickfire challenge, which will allow selected guests to take to the stage and try their hand at the exciting level challenges from Super Mario Maker! For Splatoon fans, Nintendo will provide the opportunity to become immersed in the Inklings’ colourful Turf Wars, whilst a ‘How to Hunt’ masterclass for Capcom®’s Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on Nintendo 3DS will be showcased on the big screen.

Additionally, the Super Smash Bros. Cosplay Competition will see Super Smash Bros. players dressing up as chosen characters in a bid to be awarded Best Costume. Nintendo will also hold amiibo team-up tournaments throughout the show that will see players fighting for glory against other trained, level 50 amiibo players and amiibo teams.

At HYPER JAPAN Nintendo will also be offering an exclusive range of merchandise normally only available on the Nintendo Official UK Store.

Attendees bringing along their Nintendo 3DS or 2DS systems can also play games with other users, increase StreetPass encounters in StreetPass Mii Plaza and enjoy games such as Puzzle Swap and StreetPass Quest; Tomodachi Life players will also be able to exchange rare items or explorers via StreetPass.

Hyper Japan Festival 2015 is taking place between July 10 and July 12 at the O2 in London.

Souce: Nintendo PR

Nintendo is bringing another two weapons to Splatoon later today. Players will soon have access to the Carbon Roller as well as the Custom Dual Squelcher. Both should arrive at 10 PM ET / 7 PM PT / 3 AM in the UK (Saturday) / 4 AM in Europe (Saturday).

Check out the gallery below for images of Splatoon’s Carbon Roller and Custom Dual Squelcher.



Have you ever wanted to play as Octoling in Splatoon? Well, now that’s possible – through a hack that is. Have a look at the video below.


Update: All over! You can find the information rounded up below.

Nintendo’s 75th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is currently progress. We’ll be posting everything that was shared during the event below, courtesy of translations from Cheesemeister.


– New 3DS selling well, but the old 3DS did not, so HW sales were 8.73m. SW selling well. Pokemon, Smash numbers.
– Mario Kart 8 at 5.11m, Smash Wii U at 3.65m. Wii U HW 2.88m.
– Entertainment has value, centering on dedicated platforms. Providing premium experiences only available on such. Making more SW.
– Xenoblade for New 3DS released. Rhythm Heaven, FE: if released. Supporting 1st-party and strong 3rd-party SW.
– On Wii U, Splatoon, Yoshi’s Woolly World, and Super Mario Maker are being released.
– Card-based and yarn amiibo are being released. The NFC dongle for old 3DS and 2DS being released. Looking to increase demand.
– Supporting amiibo on Smash 3DS with the NFC dongle.
– About DeNA, starting smart device apps this year. Smart devices different from dedicated consoles, so even w/ same IP, adapting play styles to suit smart devices will maximize value and drive the expansion of the gaming population.
– Continuing with film adaptations and character merchandising to increase mind-share of IPs. Ex: Universal agreement. More later.
– Making a marketing appeal for the IPs through experiences only possible at theme parks.
– Making progress with QOL. (No details given.)
– 1st measure: distribution of dividends.
– 2nd measure: selection of board members.


IGN has posted its full interview with Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime. When the two sides met at E3 2015 last week, Reggie discussed things like Yo-Kai Watch, amiibo, toys-to-life partnerships, and the Digital Event.

We have a number of excerpts from the interview below. You can read the full talk on IGN here.

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