New Mario Kart 8 DLC courses revealed – Baby Park and more
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 54 Comments
Nintendo has revealed the full set of courses coming to Mario Kart 8’s next DLC pack. Baby Park (GameCube), Ribbon Road (GBA), Neo Bowser City (3DS), and Cheese Land (GBA) are the returning courses. Nature Road, Big Blue, Lingling Metro, and Animal Crossing are the new ones.
Check out the full set of videos for the new DLC below.
More: DLC, Mario Kart 8, top
Guitar Hero Live pre-orders open
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 3 Comments
Update: Pre-orders are open now on Best Buy and GameStop. And for what it’s worth, Amazon changed its release date to “December 31”.
Amazon is the first retailer to be taking pre-orders for Guitar Hero Live. You can reserve the game here.
Guitar Hero Live will cost $99.99. Activision has pinned down a Fall 2015 launch, though Amazon lists it for October 20.
More: Amazon, Guitar Hero Live, pre-order
Tons of Guitar Hero Live details
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 2 Comments
Polygon was recently given an opportunity to go hands-on with Guitar Hero Live, and published an extensive report about the game. We’ve rounded up a ton of details below, though you can find the full article here.
– Fist-person perspective live-action video
– Always online music
– Game comes with one guitar
– In development for about 3 years
“Guitar Hero created this pop culture phenomenon. Really, I would argue, it was one of the first titles to transcend our entire category and become this household name. But it’s been a while. It’s been five years since the last release. There’s so much emotion and passion around the Guitar Hero brand at the company. It’s something we always intended to bring back, when we had that legit innovation that would transform the way you play the game in a fundamental way. It’s taken until now to have that. FreeStyle delivered that vision. I believe this truly is the reinvention of Guitar Hero.” – Tyler Michaud, senior director of product management at Activision
“We always knew, like Tyler said, if we ever brought Guitar Hero back it had to be because we came up with some great innovation and made some big changes. The way we started it, we took it right to its core, its base. We said, what was it about Guitar Hero that was so cool in the first place? Why did it become the game it became?” – Jamie Jackson, creative director and studio head at FreeStyleGames
– The team was examining the game and plastic controller, and felt they could make mastering the game easier/deeper with a more prolonged experience
– The new guitar keeps the whammy bar and strummer of the original
– This version shifts all of the buttons to the top of the neck
– Controller has 6 buttons in 2 rows of 3
GameCube Controller Adapter with 1 controller in stock at GameStop
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
GameStop is once again taking orders for the GameCube Controller Adapter with 1 controller. Get yours here.
Pricing for the “bundle” is set at $49.99. Orders will begin shipping on May 8.
More: GameStop
Guitar Hero Live footage
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 2 Comments
More: Activision, FreeStyleGames, Guitar Hero Live
Renegade Kid, KnapNok, Yacht Club, and 13AM talk about the lack of innovative GamePad usage
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 3 Comments
The Wii U GamePad is a perfectly fine controller, but it’d be tough to argue that developers have tapped into its potential. Even Nintendo has not yet produced a string of titles that truly show what it’s capable of. For the most part, titles we’ve seen thus far use the GamePad for off-TV play or as a map.
NintendoWorldReport reached out to four indie developers as part of a new article that touches on the lack of proper GamePad usage. You can find a collection of their comments below.
Renegade Kid’s Jools Watsham
“Nintendo helps promote…as much as the game helps to promote the innovative qualities of the Wii U.”
“If you’re going to dedicate your time and effort to taking advantage of the unique features of the Wii U, you need for it to pay off in sales if you’re going to be able to continue making games for a living.”
“The GamePad is clearly not the revolution that the Wii Remote was. There, I said it.”
“The Wii U never lived up to its own potential, even from its creators. You have to lead [by] example, and Nintendo are the kings of doing this, but they failed to deliver with the Wii U in terms of utilizing their own platform, which has resulted in a self-fulfilling prophecy.”
“It’s not like the Wii U has failed gamers in a general sense, but in regards to how well the GamePad has been utilized, overall [it] has unfortunately been somewhat of a failure. And that is Nintendo’s burden to bear.”
Guitar Hero Live screenshots, a look at the guitar controller
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Wii U | 0 comments
Activision released the first set of screenshots from Guitar Hero Live. You can find them below.
We also have a look at the new guitar controller:

More: Activision, FreeStyleGames, Guitar Hero Live
Project CARS still heading to Wii U this year
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 3 Comments
Project CARS’ primary launch is planned for mid-May. Unfortunately, Wii U owners will be forced to wait until later this year for the game’s arrival.
An FAQ on the Project CARS website does confirm that the Wii U version remains in development. But just like the Steam OS release, it will “follow later in 2015.”
Choice Provisions on the CommanderVideo trophy in Smash Bros.
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 1 Comment
There were a few unexpected trophy inclusions in the new Smash Bros. One of these was CommanderVideo, the star of the Bit.Trip series.
CommanderVideo’s inclusion in Smash Bros. Wii U came about thanks to some persistence from Choice Provisions. The company reached out to Nintendo, and that’s pretty much all it took!
Associate producer Dant Rambo Nintendo Life:
We were the ones to approach Nintendo. We’ve always loved the idea of CommanderVideo showing up in a Smash Bros. game in some capacity, and thanks to our longstanding relationship with Nintendo, we were able to make it happen!
But yes, the “process” here was really just us emailing Nintendo a lot and being annoying.
Guitar Hero Live announced, will be on Wii U
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 5 Comments
The Wii U may be missing out on Rock Band 4, but Activision is filling the music gap with Guitar Hero Live. Following plenty of speculation, the game was made official today – and we also know that it’s bound for Nintendo’s console.
Guitar Hero Live is being developed by DJ Hero creator FreeStyleGames. There are a couple of new gimmicks in this entry, including a first-person view.
Here’s the full rundown: