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Check out some off-screen FAST Racing Neo footage from Gamescom, courtesy of IGN:

Capcom published two more weapon videos for Monster Hunter X today. View trailers for the Insect Glaive and Light Bowgun below.

Footage from the English build of Photos with Animal Crossing has been uploaded to YouTube. Take a look at the video below.

A bunch of Monster Hunter X footage was showcased during the latest episode of Capcom TV. You can watch it below. Additionally, at the 43-minute mark, there’s footage from Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village DX.

Today’s new Splatoon update adds a few new songs to the game. You can listen to each new track thanks to the Soundcloud embed below.



Update: Bumped to the top with Xenoblade Chronicles X, Zelda, and more.

Gamescom 2015 has begun, and that means we’ll be seeing tons of footage of various games. I expect that most of the videos will be based on E3 builds, but we’ll still round them up on the site. All notable footage from day 1 will be posted below.

The latest video from the “React” YouTube channel has kids giving Pokemon Snap a look. Watch the video below.

Footage has come in showing LEGO Dimensions’ open world gameplay, which was announced earlier today. Take a look at the video below.

Nintendo appears to have started a new video series called “Nintendo Challenge”. In this first video, JC Rodrigo, Bill Trinen, and Erik Peterson take on Smash Run in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS. Watch it below.

A number of photos from Nintendo’s Gamescom 2015 booth were posted on the site earlier today. For a look at the booth in video form, check out the footage below.

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