Open Lab Games has announced that their narrative strategy adventure, Football Drama, is headed to Switch. Check out an overview and trailer below.
Forever Entertainment has released a new patch for Green Hell fixing several issues. Here are the patch notes:
Nacon has shared a new trailer for Blood Bowl 3, highlighting the Black Orcs team. Check it out below.
Blood Bowl 3 is scheduled to arrive on Switch this August.
Hatinh Interactive and Monochrome debuted a new story trailer today for Tandem: A Tale of Shadows, an upcoming puzzle-platformer for Switch.
Here’s an introduction to the game:
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion is out now, check out some gameplay with the video below.
Buildings Have Feelings Too! arrives on the Switch eShop today. Take a closer look at gameplay with the video below.
R-Type Final 2 is slated to launch on Switch later this month. Check out some gameplay with the video below.
R-Type Final 2 is scheduled to arrive on Switch in North America and Europe on April 30.
Fire Emblem Heroes gets some new content today, firstly a new Tactics Drills Map, Childhood Royals: Skill Studies.
Additionally, the latest Pawns of Loki event has just entered Round 2 until April 24, and new Pawns of Loki quests will be available until that date.
Dragalia Lost has added new story to its campaign with Chapter 19: Hidden Truths. This is only part 1 of the chapter, and it comes with new Draconic essences for the following dragons: