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Bandai Namco

This month’s issue of CoroCoro has announced Bakutsuri Bar Hunter for Switch. A release date has not yet been confirmed.

Unfortunately, specifics are unknown at this time. Bandai Namco did offer Bakutsuri Bar Hunter on 3DS last year, which was a free download based on the cross-media franchise that made use of a “Bakutsuri Bar Rod” fishing reel peripheral.

Source, Via

According to the latest issue of CoroCoro, Fishing Spirits Nintendo Switch Version is in development. Bandai Namco will release the game in Japan on July 25. Pricing is set at 6,156 yen.

Fishing Spirits Nintendo Switch Version is based on the arcade version, though it will include additional fish. An adventure mode is also planned.

Source, Via

Dragon Ball FighterZ

Dragon Ball FighterZ’s second season DLC promises six new characters. Five have been added so far: Jiren, Videl, Broly (DBS), Gogeta (SSGSS), and Goku (GT). One more is on the way, and while Bandai Namco isn’t commenting on it officially, we may know that character’s identity. Don’t continue past this point if you don’t want to be spoiled prior to the possible reveal.

We will soon be getting some new info on the Switch version of God Eater 3. It’ll be shown off in a live stream on May 14, Bandai Namco announced today. The stream will start on May 14 at 8 PM JST. Here is the link to the Youtube stream.


Goku (GT), the latest DLC addition to the Dragon Ball FighterZ roster, is available today. Bandai Namco decided to celebrate the occasion by releasing a special “Goku Day” video (since May 9 can be read as “go ku” in Japanese), showcasing some key moments from Dragon Ball history using only in-game footage from FighterZ:

If listings from retailers are any indication, Switch could be getting another Digimon game. Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory has been listed by the system by Fnac and

Both listings are no longer live. That being said, a placeholder boxart is still located on’ server, which you can see below.

With the release of the latest issue of Famitsu in Japan, new details on SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays have come forth that shed light on new Mobile Suits, characters, and a new Ability GET system within the game.

Thankfully, Gematsu has provided a translation of the information and it can be viewed below.

Bandai Namco today announced a new milestone for the Tales of series. Since the original game’s release, over 20 million units have been sold worldwide.

Artist Minoru Iwamoto has created a special illustration in celebration of the news. We have the image above.


Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

A new update has gone live for the Switch version of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. Bandai Namco is distributing version 1.12.00.

The main highlight this time around is the new Photo Mode. In this mode, players can select characters and a stage to photograph. Various customization options can be used, including camera position and angle. Pictures can be decorated with special frames and stamps as well.

An in-game notice also mentions new Daily Missions. With these, you can get up to a total of 10 TP Medals by completing eight designated missions. Missions’ status is shared across your avatars, and is updated when you receive your login bonus, so you can complete them every day.

Earlier today, Bandai Namco started offering a demo for Ninja Box via the Japanese Switch eShop. Take a look at some footage in the video below.

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