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Bandai Namco

Dragon Ball: Fusions is likely receiving localization. As spotted by Gematsu, the Brazil Advisory Rating Board has rated Bandai Namco and Ganbarion’s 3DS title.

Dragon Ball: Fusions debuted in Japan earlier this month. If Bandai Namco has anything to say about bringing the title west officially, we’ll let you know.


Bandai Namco’s lineup for the 2016 Tokyo Game Show is now live. You can access the page here.

Bandai Namco intends to have live streams during the show. Currently, however, a schedule has not been announced.

Head past the break for Bandai Namco’s full TGS lineup, courtesy of Gematsu.

Bandai Namco just released a lengthy new overview trailer for Dragon Ball: Fusions on the 3DS, which showcases the game’s various features. Give it a watch:

Dragon Ball: Fusions is already out in Japan. A Western release has not yet been announced.

The latest entry in the Taiko Drum Master series, Taiko Drum Master: Dokodon! Mystery Adventure, has been out in Japan for two months now, but Bandai Namco have nonetheless released a new trailer and TV commercial for the game. Check them out below:

Sadly, there’s still no word on a release outside of Japan.

Bandai Namco has uploaded the second One Piece: Great Pirate Colosseum trailer. Additionally, we have a new commercial for the game. View both below.

A new One Piece: Great Pirate Colosseum scan has emerged, confirming new characters for Bandai Namco and Arc System Works’ fighter.

CP0 agents Rob Lucci and Spandam are both in the 3DS game. Rob Lucci, who has his his Zoan transformation, is being included on the roster. Spandam will act as an assist character who uses his sword to slash though his foes. Wanda, Nekomushi, and Inuarashi are also in as assist characters.

Check out the new One Piece: Great Pirate Colosseum scan below showing all of these characters plus a look at the story mode.

Bandai Namco’s latest video for Dragon Ball: Fusions gives us a look at time trial challenges. Check it out below.

Bandai Namco and Ganbarion still have more in store for Dragon Ball: Fusions. After the initial launch earlier in the month, free updates are in the works.

Dragon Ball: Fusions’ first update is planned for the fall. A new stage will be added, which features space-time rifts when Wi-Fi waves are found.


Bandai Namco is making “All Kamen Riders: Rider Revolution” for 3DS, according to the latest issue of Famitsu. It will be a side-scrolling action title with historical Kamen Riders appearing.

Confirmed Kamen Riders so far:

– 1-go
– Amazon
– Super 1
– Kuuga
– Ouja
– Fourze
– Meteor
– Gaim
– Drive
– Mach
– Chaser
– Ghost
– Specter
– EX-Aid

All Kamen Riders: Rider Revolution is 70 percent complete. The game will launch this winter in Japan.


Bandai Namco’s new free-to-play Digimon game, Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters Cyber Arena, is now set for release on September 21.

In the game, players can take on the opening parts of the upcoming retail version, Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters including battles. By checking in every day, you can receive various items. It will also be possible to transfer save data to the full release. Appmon Chips are compatible as well.

Two characters have also been introduced. Gematsu brings us the following details:

You (Boy or Girl)

– Second-year student at Hifumigoaka Middle School
– Can be a little hot-blooded
– His Buddy Appmone is the online game app Appmon, Onmon
– With his Appli Drive in hand, he’ll meet, battle, and train various unseen Appmon, while unfolding a grand story


– Your childhood friend, Naoto
– You played with him often as a child
– Recently he has drifted away
– His buddy Appmon is the offline game app Appmon, Offmon

Find some new art and screenshots in the gallery below.


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