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Bandai Namco

This week’s Weekly Shonen Jump has revealed that the Germany Junior Youth will appear in Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions, alongside new, original characters.

The characters introduced are Karl Heinz Schneider, the captain of the German Youth, who holds the title of “Germany’s Young Emperor”. Cornelius Heine, a midfielder who supports Schneider with a technique called “Youkai” and Deuter Muller, a goalkeeper with iron wall defense, who uses his large body and tremendous power as his weapon.

The Weekly Shonen Jump scan can be seen above.


This week’s Weekly Shonen Jump has revealed that two new characters, Miu Shinonome and Syakomon will be introduced in Digimon Survive.

Miu is the little sister of the previously revealed character Kaito Shononome, who is voiced by Misaki Watada. She is described as “an eccentric sixth grade student who often speaks in riddles” and “dislikes her brother’s interferences and always rebels against him”.

Syakomon is Miu’s partner Digimon and is voiced by Asami Tanako. She is described as “a bivalve monster covered by a hard shell”.

The Weekly Shonen Jump scan can be seen above.


One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 arrives on Switch today, and new footage is in showing the game on Nintendo’s console. View footage from the story mode below.

One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 is now available on Nintendo Switch, but that isn’t stopping Bandai Namco from posting more character trailers for the game. Take a look at the ones for Eustass Kid, Blackbeard and Shanks:

Namcot Collection

Bandai Namco has uploaded a trailer for Namcot Collection, a package of classic games for Switch. We’ve attached the video below.

During the Japanese version of today’s Nintendo Direct Mini, Bandai Namco announced Pro Yakyuu Famitsa 2020 for Switch. A release is planned for 2020.

Here’s what we know thus far:

Mr. Driller DrillLand

Mr. Driller DrillLand is coming to Switch, Bandai Namco has announced. It will release on June 25.

Here’s an overview of the game:

As previously announced, the 2.50 update for God Eater 3 is now available. This will actually be the final update for the game, marking the end of a long period of post-launch support. Head past the break for the full patch notes:

Update: The English version of the trailer is now available, so we’ve swapped that in below.

Original: Ahead of this week’s release, Bandai Namco has prepared a new Japanese launch trailer for One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4. Check it out below.

Bandai Namco has rolled out the latest Japanese commercial for One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 focusing on the Yonko Saga. Check it out below.

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