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Final Fantasy VIII Remastered

Square Enix has sent out a new Japanese web commercial for Final Fantasy VIII Remastered. Get a look at the advert below.

Hello, my Chocobos and Cactuars! This week on NEP, we’ve got the simultaneous worst and best episode yet! We’ve got Jared of Avalanche Reviews guesting in, but Galen’s mic crapped out once or twice, so his commentary is a little light in a few spots.

But Jared is here to get super nerdy with us about upscaling output video on retro consoles, as all three of us bond over Resident Evil and the best boys of YouTube. In particular, Jared talks about getting the best picture possible out of the SNES, N64 and GCN consoles; the Framemeister; and technical nonsense of video and retro graphics explained in easy-to-understand detail.

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After Square Enix announced the release date for Final Fantasy VIII Remastered this week, a physical version was starting to look unlikely. Given how close the game is (September 3) and the price point (just $20), the quick turnaround for a retail edition didn’t make a whole lot of sense.

Square Enix has now confirmed that Final Fantasy VIII Remastered will be digital-only. That news comes straight from the official Japanese website.

As for Play-Asia, which had opened pre-orders for Final Fantasy VIII Remastered and originally gave hope for a physical version, the retailer has now removed those listings

The eShop listing for Final Fantasy VIII Remastered has updated with the game’s final size. If you plan on downloading the RPG, you’ll need 2.6GB of free space.

Final Fantasy VIII Remastered launches on September 3. It’ll set you back $19.99.

Source: Switch eShop

Some new footage has emerged from Gamescom 2019 featuring Final Fantasy VIII Remastered on Switch. Take a look at the gameplay below.

4Gamer has shared eight minutes of footage from Final Fantasy VIII Remastered. Get a look at the gameplay in the video below.

Square Enix dropped the release date for Final Fantasy VIII Remastered tonight, confirming it’ll be available on September 3. The Switch eShop has now updated with a listing for the RPG. You can’t pre-load the game yet and its file size hasn’t been confirmed, but we do know that it will cost $20.

Given the price point, we have to wonder if a physical release will be happening. Play-Asia recently opened pre-orders for the game, but at $60. It’s possible that the retailer may have had some misinformation.

Source: Switch eShop

Square Enix has dated Final Fantasy VIII Remastered for Switch. The classic RPG, which has been reborn for the latest generation, launches September 3.

Here’s a new trailer:

At E3 2019, Square Enix revealed Final Fantasy VIII Remastered, and it’s coming to Switch. A couple of retailers then listed the game, which indicated that a physical release is planned. Of course, that doesn’t actually mean much until pre-orders open.

Enter Play-Asia. The retailer has just opened reservations for the RPG, further confirming that a physical version is happening. Pre-orders are available for US and European versions. We’ll have to see if the $59.99 price point sticks, but this is good news for collectors.

Final Fantasy VIII is due out on Switch later this year.

Fans have long been waiting to play Final Fantasy VIII on modern platforms. Square Enix delivered on those desires at E3 2019 last month when it announced a remastered version, which is coming to Switch.

Famitsu recently spoke with Square Enix’s Yoshinori Kitase to talk more about Final Fantasy VIII Remastered. Kitase commented on why now is the right time to revisit the game, difficulties during development, and more. We’ve prepared a full translation of the interview below.

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