Fire Emblem: Three Houses director unsure why Awakening was so successful
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
It’s been well-documented just how important Fire Emblem Awakening was to the series. If that game hadn’t been successful, the franchise could have been in jeopardy. Thankfully, all went well, and Fire Emblem Awakening even achieved huge popularity in the west.
In an interview with VG247, Fire Emblem: Three Houses director at Intelligent Systems Toshiyuki Kusakihara was asked about what made Awakening so successful. Funnily enough, he’s completely unsure. Kusakihara said that the team “didn’t make any change to our philosophy to make Awakening be liked outside of Japan” and doesn’t know “why it’s so popular.”
Interview with Kaiji Tang, voice of Odin and Owain from Fire Emblem
Posted on 7 years ago by Zack in 3DS, General Nintendo | 3 Comments
In a recent interview with ComedynGaming, Kaiji Tang shared some details about his experience being the voice for the Fire Emblem: Awakening character Owain and Fire Emblem: Fates character Odin. Many subjects are touched on in the interview, as the interview covers many of Kaiji Tang’s roles outside of Nintendo properties. We’ve collected the quotes relevant to his role in the Fire Emblem series below. Minor spoilers after the break for Fire Emblem: Fates.
On how Tang got his role in Fire Emblem, and any similarities he sees between him and his character:
“I got the role of Owain like any other actor! A studio was having auditions for the game, I popped in and boom! Some sword hand talk later, some bit about time travel and they deemed me memey enough to become the fervent voice of Owain. I love the guy because we’re both huge, huge nerds who aren’t ashamed to let their geek flag fly. If I had special attacks, I think I’d come up with some pretty edgy names for them too. I absolutely have a blast!”
The Art of Fire Emblem: Awakening now appears to be releasing in October
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment
When we originally reported on The Art of Fire Emblem: Awakening, it seemed to be on track for August. That month came and went, and it looks like the book still isn’t out. So when will we see it? If Amazon’s listing is anything to go by, The Art of Fire Emblem: Awakening finally releases on October 18.
The Art of Fire Emblem: Awakening provides “an in-depth, behind-the-scenes look at the smash-hit 3DS game, from beautifully illustrated renditions of your favorite characters, to storyboards for in-game events, character designs, weapon designs, character profiles, and the entirety of the script with every possible branch of dialogue”. Amazon’s listing seems to include a couple of new preview pages, so we’ve included those below.
More: Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fire Emblem devs on bringing the series’ west, introducing optional permadeath, Fates’ two versions
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 40 Comments
Last month, Game Informer published an overview of sorts for the Fire Emblem series. The magazine looked back at the franchise’s early days leading up to Fire Emblem Fates. There are some interesting developer comments as well.
Fire Emblem wasn’t introduced overseas until the GBA era. It was actually Nintendo producer Hitoshi Yamagami who had the idea of bringing it west, and he approached developer Intelligent Systems about his plan.
Yamagami said:
“Intelligent Systems was worried at first about whether it’d sell or not, but given the series’ support in Japan, I felt sure that audiences elsewhere would connect with it as well, and that’s how development began.”
The Art of Fire Emblem: Awakening coming in August 2016
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News | 7 Comments
Update 3 (12/26): Bumped to the top. This is now $16 off on Amazon.
Update 2 (12/24): Bumped to the top. Now available for pre-order on Amazon UK.
Update: The Art of Fire Emblem: Awakening can be pre-ordered on Amazon Canada here.
Dark Horse has teamed up with Nintendo to release a new art book in North America. Next August, The Art of Fire Emblem: Awakening will be available.
Here’s what you can expect from it:
The Art of Fire Emblem Awakening contains an in-depth, behind-the-scenes look at the smash-hit 3DS game, from beautifully illustrated renditions of your favorite characters, to storyboards for in-game events, character designs, weapon designs, character profiles, and the entirety of the script with every possible branch of dialogue! Relive some of the most poignant moments of the game, or see what might have been if you had made different in-game decisions with the Art of Fire Emblem Awakening!
The Art of Fire Emblem: Awakening is due out in comic shops on August 17 and in bookstores on August 30 (apparently a bit earlier at places like Amazon). Pre-orders are already live on Amazon here.
More: Fire Emblem: Awakening, top
Japan: Fire Emblem Fates outsells Awakening in first week sales
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 2 Comments
Data sent out by Media Create today reveals that Fire Emblem Fates sold 303,666 copies in its first week. The game managed to outdo the series’ previous entry, Fire Emblem: Awakening. When Awakening shipped in 2012, it sold 242,600 units in its first few days on the market.
Fire Emblem: Awakening sold 1.79 million copies as of December 2014
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 4 Comments
An official page for the Fire Emblem If theme song just recently opened. In a brief introduction for the series, it’s revealed that sales of Awakening have climbed to 1.79 million units. That’s a worldwide figure as of December 2014.
The fully translated overview states:
Fire Emblem – Nintendo’s SRPG series that has been beloved by fans for 25 years. The most recent entry, Fire Emblem Awakening, sold 1.79 million copies worldwide (as of December 2014), and now, this world-beloved series’ latest entry, “Fire Emblem if”, will be released to celebrate the 25th anniversary.
Fire Emblem: Awakening originally launched in Japan in April 2012. The North American release took place in February 2013, with Europe getting the game a couple of months later.
Fire Emblem trading cards on the way to Japan, Fire Emblem: Awakening manga out now
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 14 Comments
Trading cards
– Features various guest artists
– Will have all kinds of characters that have appeared throughout the series
– Intelligent Systems developing the card game
– Releases this summer in Japan
– More information soon
Fire Emblem Awakening Comic Anthology

– Published on Christmas day in Japan
– Based on the game
– Follows characters like Chrom and Lucina
– Features popular manga artists and writers such as Hako Itagaki (Higurashi no Naku Koro ni manga,) Ichiho Katsura (Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World manga), Ryuko Kanzaki (Dragon Quest and Star Ocean 4-koma manga,) and more
More: Fire Emblem, Fire Emblem: Awakening, Japan
Japan getting fourth Fire Emblem: Awakening drama CD in April
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment
A fourth drama CD for Fire Emblem: Awakening, titled “The Bond of the Underworld: Quest for the Dreaming Tiara”, is due out in Japan in April. It follows a group of soldiers from the future who appear in Chrom’s timeline.
Siliconera has provided the following synopsis of the drama CD:
Will the fate be destruction or a future of hope? A group of soldiers from the future visit the era of Chrom and his companions. Lucina and her party were in the midst of a task when a certain incident occurred, as she was determined to find the missing tiara.
Suddenly, the gates to the underworld had opened… which will carry out the destined meeting between “the two”.
And below are the titles of Fire Emblem: Awakening’s fourth drama CD:
1) Who… Are You?
2) Do You Promise to Not Give Up?
3) Searching Mission of Tiara
4) Are You Ready, Old Man?
5) That Hair Ornament Isn’t Right
6) We’re the Embarrassing Unarmed Troupe
7) Take the Bag, Even If The Contents Are Unknown
8) An Interesting Phenomenon
9) An Even Greater Treasure
10) I Hope to Meet Again
The CD will launch on April 23. Pricing is set at 3,000 yen.
More: drama CD, Fire Emblem: Awakening, Japan
The Music of 2013 – Here’s Another Podcast!
Posted on 11 years ago by Patrick(@Patricklous) in Features, Podcast, Reader Poll | 2 Comments
The results are in! Sorry for the wait; I’ve been busy with that whole “taking a holiday” thing, but I’m finally back with the Internet’s latest 2013 retrospective. On this two-hour long podcast I’m counting down the top ten game soundtracks of 2013 (on Nintendo platforms) as voted by Nintendo Everything readers. The colossal playlist of quality tracks is broken up by me reading out your comments and various synonyms for the word “song”. I was testing out a new microphone, so my apologies if you can’t understand a word I’m saying.
You can find the podcast right here!
edit: Seems Google Drive wasn’t too happy about the massive influx of traffic so I’ve also uploaded the podcast here.
If you want to know what soundtrack took the coveted #1 spot you should probably just listen to the podcast, but I’ve included the results over the break anyway.