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Game Freak

A new Pokemon-related trademark has been filed in Japan. Nintendo, Creatures Inc., and Game Freak nabbed the name “Pokedaringu”.

At the moment, we can’t say for sure if the trademark will actually be used, and what the final name could be overseas. It could be something along the lines of PokeDaring or PokeDulling.

Also worth noting, this isn’t actually confirmed to be a game. It could even be a merchandise line or even just an item in a game.


Pokemon Bank was finally updated this week to include functionality for Pokemon Sun/Moon. To celebrate, Nintendo of Europe presented a challenge to Game Freak’s Junichi Masuda to name as many Pokemon as he can in 20 seconds. See how he did below.

Since a mainline Pokemon has never graced a Nintendo home console, fans of the franchise are waiting to see if and when it will make an appearance on Switch. Of course, there has been plenty of speculation regarding a third version of Pokemon Sun/Moon for the platform.

When asked about Switch in a new Spanish interview, Game Freak’s Junichi Masuda said:

“Without a doubt, Nintendo Switch is the future, but we will have to wait until it goes out on the market and study how it can benefit from Pokemon. When people have it, we will have too see and deeply study how to use it so we can think how the next entries of Pokemon are going to be and how the saga can benefit from the new console.”

Masuda also mentioned that Pokemon has always evolved with Nintendo consoles, and will continue to do so. With the technology that’s available, they’ll explore how to highlight the series’ important aspect of communication.

Source, Via

Game Freak has a habit of including its office in the Pokemon RPGs. The tradition still holds true in the latest games, Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon. A video showing Game Freak’s office is posted below.

Shigeki Morimoto, Game Designer and Battle Director at Game Freak, was featured in a video celebrating the 20th anniversary of Pokemon in which he reminisces about the launch of the original Pokemon games in Japan, and how he wondered about the future of Pokemon at the time. The video ends with Morimoto thanking his fans for helping to make Pokemon the wild success it has become.

You can watch the video below.

Pokemon is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. Junichi Masuda is one of the main developers responsible for its success, as he’s been working on the series since the very beginning. He started out as a programmer and composer before eventually becoming a director.

Speaking about Pokemon’s long-lasting success and continued relevance in the latest issue of EDGE, Masuda has this to say:

“There are so many variables in the games market that it’s not easy to define why Pokemon has had sustained success. There’s no doubt that the core elements of collecting, battling and trading have a lasting appeal when it comes to kids. But the thing that all our games really have in common is that we start by designing them with the younger audience in mind, and then add elements for our other core players. This means that even people who have never played the game before can easily buy it and get stuck in.”

Masuda also commented on how the competitive nature of Pokemon has helped the franchise gain appeal outside of its traditional demographic:

A handful of screenshots from Pokemon Sun/Moon have emerged. To see the latest images, view the gallery below.

The next big update on Pokemon Sun/Moon should be shared next week. The Pokemon Company has teased some sort of information for August 1.


Junichi Masuda is one of the most well-known developers behind the Pokemon series. He started out as a composer and programmer before becoming a director (and still making music at the same time).

Game Informer reached out to Masuda for a chat about music in the Pokemon games. He talked about what the process is like when he creates songs, his favorite tracks, juggling responsibilities between being a director / composer, and more.

Head past the break for a roundup of Masuda’s important answers. You can read the full interview on Game Informer.

Japan’s Pokemon variety show Pokenchi is set to feature Pokemon Sun/Moon on July 3 (July 2 in the west). A video for the two games will be shown, and information on new Pokemon will be shared. There’s a chance that Pokenchi will only have content that debuted at E3 as well as what’s coming on July 1 and through CoroCoro, but it might be worth keeping an eye on just in any case.


Update (5/20): Timing of the next update has been announced. News will be shared at the following times:

– 6 AM PT
– 9 AM ET
– 2 PM in the UK
– 3 PM in Europe

Original (5/18): Excitement has been growing within the community of Pokemon fans after the first trailer for Pokemon Sun & Moon was released earlier this month, showing footage of the three new starter Pokemon available in the upcoming games.

The news for the games will continue as today the Japanese Pokemon Twitter has confirmed that brand new information about Sun & Moon will be released on June 2nd 2016. There are no hints yet about what this information might be but fans can be happy knowing that the wait for more news will not be too much longer.


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