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Headup Games

A huge patch is on the way to Slime-san. Fabraz is wrapping up patch 1.1, which is highlighted by the brand new Blackbird’s Kraken campaign. It encompasses new levels, a new boss fight, new target mode challenges, and more.

Aside from Blackbird’s Kraken, version 1.1 for Slime-san also adds some new features and makes some adjustments. These include leaderboards, button mapping, a karting mini-game for two players, and more.

Continue on below for Slime-san’s 1.1 patch notes.

btf only just started its Kickstarter for Truberbrook this week. Despite that, the funding goal has already exceeding its original asking amount. Truberbrook needed roughly $94,000 to success, but is already over $150,000 with close to a month left in the campaign.

Truberbrook is a mystery sci-fi adventure game with hand-crafted scenes. Here’s the general premise, for those who missed it the first time around:

“Imagine yourself on a vacation to Europe in the late sixties. Now, picture yourself as a young American scientist; Hans Tannhauser. Yes, that’s your name in this scenario. While you’re at it, think of Trüberbrook, a remote village in rural, mountain-sloped and densely forested cold-war Germany. Because, that’s where you somehow end up after hitting the continent. But who cares, you won the trip in a lottery! Or at least, that’s how it seems. But don’t fear, instead of getting some rest, you could find yourself having to save the world…”

Headup Games will be publishing Truberbrook on Switch when development is finished. The project is currently targeted for late 2018.


A new patch for The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ has gone live in Europe and Australia. For physical copies of the game, version 1.1 is available.

Today’s update should add in booster packs that were previously distributed in North America. Expect the usual fixes as well.


Last week, Nicalis announced that a physical version of Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap will be released in North America towards the start of next week. We can also now say that the same package will be offered in Europe and Australia.

Headup Games will be responsible for the retail release of Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap in PAL regions. Just like in North America, it’s planned for Q1 2018.

Lizardcube, who developed Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap, shared today’s news on Twitter:


The new update for Earth Atlantis is here. Headup Games and Pixel Perfex have sent out version 1.0.1.

Today’s patch involves the following:

– Drop the sub-weapon that you had equipped before you got defeated right at your restart point
– Item boxes spawn much closer to the restart point and player’s location
– Increased drop rates of items and sub-weapons
– Increased the player’s ship speed
– Reduced the difficulty of some boss monsters, especially on Easy Mode
– Minor bugs fixed
– A new game icon

Earth Atlantis should be updated automatically to version 1.0.1. If it doesn’t, there should be an update option in the game’s settings.

Source: Headup Games PR

As we heard a few days ago, the Switch shoot ’em up Earth Atlantis is getting an update soon. Developer Pixel Perfex shared a few of the details originally, but has since offered the full patch notes.

Here’s the complete rundown:

Pixel Perfex hasn’t said when exactly the update will be ready. It’s expected very soon, however.


Fabraz has more in store for its 2D platformer Slime-san. Today, the developer shared details on what’s next for the game.

Switch owners will have access to the “Blackbird’s Kraken” DLC not too long from now. Fabraz intends to have it ready “in the next two months.” The free DLC features a new campaign with its own story and boss, 25 new levels (with New Game+), a new hub world, new mini-games, new target modes, new settings, online leaderboards for all levels, and more.

That’s not all. Those who haven’t jumped in on Slime-san will be able to try out the game soon. Fabraz is finishing up a demo and will be submitted to Nintendo soon.


Pixel Perfex and Headup Games launched Earth Atlantis on the Switch eShop last week. Similiar to some other titles we’ve been seeing, a patch is already underway.

Pixel Perfex has at least confirmed that it will be quicker and easier to get weapons back. The home menu icon will be refreshed as well. Other than that, we’ll have to see if anything else is changed.


We don’t want to make any assumptions about release dates for Switch eShop games at this point, but Earth Atlantis is very likely coming out this week. Nintendo’s North American website originally listed it for last Thursday, but that didn’t end up happening.

Earth Atlantis now has a listing on the US Switch eShop with a date of October 5. Nintendo’s UK site also lists the same date. Hopefully things stick this time around.

Finally, we have the file size for Earth Atlantis. It’s a 562MB download. 

Source: Switch eShop

Earth Atlantis is coming very soon to Switch. For an early look at the game, view the video below with several minutes of footage.

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