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GamesIndustry published a new interview with Xavier Poix, the boss of Ubisoft’s French studios, about all things Switch. He weighed in on the audience for Switch, Ubisoft’s initial lineup of games and why they were chosen, the company’s approach to development, and why the system will be more successful than Wii U.

We’ve rounded up some notable excerpts from the interview below. Head on over here for the full discussion.

GameSpot posted its full interview with Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime about Switch. As you would expect, a wide range of topics were addressed.

Reggie commented on Switch’s price and the prices of games themselves, transferring Virtual Console purchases, the smartphone app, possibility of multiplayer with 1 cartridge, online approach, addressing issues from Wii U, and “forgotten” Nintendo franchises. Watch the full interview below.

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime, speaking with GameSpot, mentioned that Nintendo “thought deeply” about Wii U’s shortcomings. He shared two reasons for the system’s failures.

First, Reggie admitted that the messaging behind Wii U wasn’t clear, stating that the “clarity of the consumer proposition” was not strong enough. He also pointed to a lack of steady flow of compelling games.

When it comes to Switch, Reggie believes Nintendo has addressed the communication issue:

After a long wait, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild finally launches in March. With the game so close, some fans can’t help but wonder what could come next for the series.

One possibility series producer Eiji Aonuma isn’t ruling out is another title for Switch. “I haven’t been able to fully use all of the new features of the system,” Aonuma told IGN. “There could be the possibility of another Zelda on Nintendo Switch.”

EA executive vice president Patrick Soderlund stopped by the Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 last week to announce FIFA for the big N’s new console. IGN caught up with him to talk about the publisher’s support a bit more in-depth.

Soderlund started out with the following:

“We’ve been with Nintendo for a very long time. I’m a Nintendo fanboy since I grew up. Nintendo is the reason I got into gaming.”

“What I like about Nintendo is that they come to the table with a slightly different approach. They’ve done that in the past to great success, and sometimes not so much, but I think unless you’re willing to think about something unconventional, it’s going to be hard to break ground. Nintendo forces us to think differently. (Switch) challenges conventions, as game makers, makes us think about the platform in a different way.”

Ubisoft is bringing Rayman Legends Definitive Edition to Switch. That may seem like an odd decision, as it originally came out in 2013. However, Ubisoft does at least appear to be planning some new elements for the Switch release.

Michel Ancel participated in an official interview video to talk about Rayman Legends Definitive Edition. He spoke about his reaction to Switch, why the game is coming to Nintendo’s new system, and what’s in store for this version. Ancel ended up teasing “several surprises” for Rayman Legends Definitive Edition.

Here’s the full video:

Nippon Ichi is currently bringing Disgaea 5 Complete to Switch. However, it’s likely that the company’s support for Nintendo’s new platform won’t end there.

Famitsu recently interviewed Nippon Ichi CEO Sohei Shinkawa, and talked about all things Switch. At one point, Shinkawa mentioned that Switch and PS4 multiplatform development is “very much a possibility” going forward.

He said:

“As you’ve said, we are a software company that has grown together with PlayStation, and are well aware that a lot of our fans are on PlayStation platforms. So it is not as if we will stop developing games for PlayStation. Overseas, PlayStation 4 sales are incredibly strong and we will continue making games for the PlayStation 4 platform.

However, in Japan we can’t just ignore the move to portable gaming consoles. Our games are well suited for portable gaming, so when you think about it, it is important for PS4 and Nintendo Switch to balance each other out and do well. With that in mind, from here on multiplatform development for PS4 and Nintendo Switch is very much a possibility.”


In a new interview conducted by TIME, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime weighed in a variety of topics pertaining to Switch. He talked about who the system is for, third-party support, online plans, and more. Interestingly, Reggie even acknowledged interest in a GameCube Virtual Console.

Find notable excerpts from the interview below. You can read up on the full discussion here.

Some new comments from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime have popped up from CNET.

First, Reggie commented on the number of Switch’s launch games and ensuring that more titles will be available in the months following release. On that, he said:

“Launch day is not the be-all and the end-all. It really is the steady pacing of content that continually reinforces for the people who bought into the platform why they made a smart choice, as well as what compels people who might be sitting on the sidelines to jump in. We feel we have this great ongoing march of content to motivate you to jump into the platform.”

Reggie also weighed in on the decision to offer a paid online subscription with Switch. He also confirmed that there will be no friend codes.

“People have taken shots at us for that. The reality is, the way that online experiences have progressed, it’s an expensive proposition. The amount of servers we need to support Smash Brothers or Mario Kart — these big multiplayer games — is not a small investment. There are no friend codes within what we’re doing.”


The Switch is currently in the limelight when it comes to all things Nintendo, but the big N isn’t forgetting about 3DS. we already heard from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime that there are no plans to abandon the dedicated handheld, and a new comment backs that up further.

Wired journalist Chris Kohler shared an additional comment from his interview with Reggie yesterday. Nintendo’s exec told the site, “There are [3DS] games that we haven’t announced yet.” Reggie further added that these will excite Kohler.

What do you want to see Nintendo announce for 3DS?


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