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Level-5 is gearing up for the release of Ni no Kuni on Switch with a new Japanese commercial. Check out the advert below.

Snack World

Level-5’s Snack World franchise has so far been exclusive to Japan. However, we’ve known for a while now that the company plans to release it in the West as well. Back in April, Snack World: The Dungeon Crawl – Gold received an age rating in Australia; this is likely the English title of The Snack World: Trejarers Gold, which came out in Japan for Nintendo Switch in 2018. Then, in May, Level-5 officially confirmed that they would bring the Snack World franchise to the West in 2020. 

Today, Snack World: The Dungeon Crawl – Gold received another age rating, this time by the ESRB for the North American market. The game received a Teen rating for “Fantasy Violence, Mild Language and Suggestive Themes”. At this point, all that’s left is an official announcement from Level-5.

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A new pre-order bonus has been revealed for Ni no Kuni on Switch. Copies will include a reversible cover sleeve, according to Bandai Namco.

Ni no Kuni launches for Switch on September 20. You can pre-order the RPG on Amazon at a discount here.


Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is just about a month away on Switch – the game will launch on September 20. Today, Level-5 published a new Japanese trailer as well as a commercial for the game, which you can watch below:


Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires’ Conspiracy – Deluxe Edition is being shown off for Switch at Gamescom 2019 this week. View some off-screen footage below.

Bandai Namco and Level-5 have provided a bunch of screenshots from the upcoming Switch version of Ni no Kuni. We’ve rounded up the images below.

Ni no Kuni launches for Switch on September 20.

Level-5 has let loose on the debut trailer for the upcoming remaster of Yo-kai Watch 1 on Switch.

The video shows the updated graphic for the game on the new system. Those interested can view the footage below.

Level-5 plans to issue a 1.3.0 update for Yo-kai Watch 4 this month with the new sumo wrestler boss Yokozuna – Raidenryu. In a trailer today, we’re able to get a closer look at that battle.

Here’s the video:

Level-5 has posted the boxart for the new Switch version of Yo-kai Watch 1. Get a look at the packaging image above.

In Japan, Yo-kai Watch 1 launches for Switch on October 10.

It was recently made known that Level-5 will be bringing the original Yo-kai Watch to Switch. The company has officially confirmed the news, and has revealed an October 10 release date for Japan. Pricing is set at 4,980 yen.

Unlike the 3DS original, Yo-kai Watch 1 for Switch will feature full HD graphics. It will also work with the Yo-kai Art and DX Yo-Seiken toys.

Here are the first screenshots from the Switch version:

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