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Layton's Mystery Journey DX

Level-5 published a new commercial for Layton’s Mystery Journey DX, which is bound for Switch in Japan next week. Check out the advert below.

Inazuma Eleven Ares is coming to the Nintendo Switch, but Level-5 isn’t quite done with the Nintendo 3DS yet. On July 20th, they released the original Inazuma Eleven as a free download for those with Japanese 3DS systems. Today, 10 days later, the company announced that the game has been downloaded 200,000 times so far. If their apparent goal was to drum up interest for the series in the lead-up to Inazuma Eleven Ares, then it seems like they succeeded.

Level-5 has previously said that this offer will only be available for a limited time, but hasn’t announced a concrete end date yet. So if you own a Japanese 3DS and want the first Inazuma Eleven game for free, better get on it sooner rather than later.

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More English gameplay is in for Yo-kai Watch Blasters, this time showing off multiplayer. Get a look at the footage below.

Level-5 issued a new batch of details and screenshots for Inazuma Eleven Ares. We have more information on the soccer matches as well as the toy link system. We’ve rounded everything up below, courtesy of Gematsu.

Level-5 released the first screenshot for Yo-kai Watch 4, along with a few pieces of character art.

In the game, players will travel across time and space between three different worlds. These include the worlds of Nathan Adams, Natsume Amano, and Shin Shimomachi. Shin is featured in the Yo-kai Watch: Forever Friends movie, which debuts in Japan on December 14.

Yo-kai Watch 4 launches on Switch this winter in Japan.

IGN posted a video showing off brand new English gameplay from Yo-kai Watch Blasters. Have a look at eight minutes of footage below.

When will Inazuma Eleven Ares be launching in Japan? We may finally get an answer on August 26. This month’s CoroCoro notes that a presentation for Inazuma Eleven Ares will be held on August 26.

CoroCoro adds that Inazuma Eleven Ares has a “Scout” system in which players can create their own team with any player from the Raimon Junior High School, Seishou Academy, Outei Tsukinomiya Junior High, Teikoku Academy, Eisei Academy, Hakuren Junior High, Zeus Junior High, Kidokawa Seishuu Junior High, and Tonegawa Tousen Junior High teams. There is also a command battle system with high action and psychological warfare where players can get the feel of a real soccer game.

To promote the upcoming release of Inazuma Eleven Ares, Inazuma Eleven for Nintendo 3DS will be released on the eShop for free this summer in Japan.

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This month’s issue of CoroCoro provides an update on Yo-kai Watch 4. The game will launch this winter in Japan. Previously, it had a vague 2018 release window.

CoroCoro has the first screenshots of Yo-kai Watch 4 as well. We’ll post the scans as soon as they surface.


Level-5 uploaded one of the first commercials for Layton’s Mystery Journey DX on Switch. Have a look at the advert below.

Level-5 published the first trailer for Layton’s Mystery Journey DX, the new Switch version of the original game released last year. Watch it below.

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