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Looks like another Inazuma Eleven game is heading to Europe and Australia. We recently came across a listing on the OFLC for “Inazuma Eleven GO: Light”, which as far as we know, hasn’t been officially announced by Nintendo.

Inazuma Eleven GO: Light probably pertains to the first “GO” game in Level-5’s soccer RPG series. In Japan, the game released in the form of two versions – “Shine” and “Dark”.

“Light” should match up with the “Shine” version. We’re waiting to see if the OFLC rates a corresponding “Dark” version for Europe and Australia.

Eurogamer has put up a new piece detailing the origins of Professor Layton. The site spoke with Level-5 CEO and president Akihiro Hino, who also briefly touched on the series’ future.

Head past the break for the rundown of what Hino shared. You can also find comments from Professor Layton’s voice actor here.

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