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Next Level Games

Earlier today, concept art from a supposed Next Level Games-made Metroid prototype surfaced. We weren’t too sure if the images were real, but Destructoid has since verified their authenticity.

Destructoid also spoke “to a trusted source related to the project”. The site was told the following:

“Yes that is real. That’s the first I’d actually seen of that concept art, but a prototype was made before being shelved in favor of Luigi’s Mansion 2. It was about as bare-bones as it gets, but it was still pretty fun.”


Before Next Level Games started work on Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon, the studio was working on “a completely different project for Nintendo”. This is known thanks to an Iwata Asks interview published last year. Perhaps the project in question was a new Metroid game.

Concept art was recently uncovered from the profile of a former Next Level Games employee, which includes shots of an apparent Metroid prototype. Since the staffer left Next Level in late 2009, it’s possible that this was the prototype the studio was working on prior to Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon. Sadly, we may never know the full story!

Source, Via

Shigeru Miyamoto delivered a personal piece of artwork to Next Level Games earlier this year in celebration of Luigi’s Mansion 2: Dark Moon reaching 3 million units in sales. It features Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi.

Take a look below:


Next Level Games

Next Level Games’ Ken Yeeloy, in a recent interview, sounded off on several topics. Yeeloy commented on the studio’s development process, how being a second-party Nintendo dev affects projects, projects in the works (nothing could be revealed as expected), some continued interest in Punch-Out!!, and more.

Read on below for a few of Yeeloy’s words.

Over the past few years, Nintendo fans have seen Next Level Games’ work in a number of prominent titles. The studio has produced Super Mario Strikers, Mario Strikers Charged, Punch-Out!!, and Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon within the last decade.

Next Level hasn’t always worked exclusively on Nintendo products, however. The team has previously churned out titles like Spider-Man: Friend or Foe and Ghost Recon on Wii.

But things have changed. Next Level doesn’t intend to work on games for companies besides Nintendo – at least for the foreseeable future – with co-founder Jason Carr telling Gamasutra: “We are doing only Nintendo products now.”

Carr also spoke with the site about Next Level’s relationship with Nintendo:

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