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The Binding of Isaac creator Ed McMillen uploaded a bit of footage showing Rebirth running on the New 3DS. It’s not the best quality, but it’s one of our first looks at the game running on Nintendo’s portable. Check it out below.

Polygon has some extensive comments from Tyrone Rodriguez and Edmund McMillen about The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. There’s plenty of talk about why the game didn’t make it to Nintendo platforms until now, and what changed to make it happen. Additionally, we learn why Rebirth is planned for New 3DS only (rather than bringing it to the original 3DS as well).

We’ve rounded up the various comments below. You can find Polygon’s original article here.

Now that April Fools’ Day has passed, we can rest easy when it comes to yesterday’s announcement of The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth for Wii U and 3DS. It’s really happening. Nicalis’ Tyrone Rodriguez made a point to stress this on his Twitter account a few hours ago.

There is just one important thing that needs to be mentioned: on 3DS, The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is planned for New 3DS rather than the original 3DS systems. We also know that Nicalis plans to bring the game to Europe.

Head on below for a collection of Nicalis’ tweets, which also feature a few short clips from The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth.

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Today is an interesting day. It’s April Fools’ Day! That means, unless you’re Nintendo, most announcements are going to be presumed fake.

Enter The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. A blog entry hit the game’s official site in the early morning hours, which seemed to announce it for both Wii U and 3DS. The thing is… most people (including myself) thought it to be fake given how the blog was written, and the fact that it’s April Fools’ Day.

But just a short while ago, there was this Twitter exchange between Nicalis’ Tyrone Rodriguez and Dan Adelman, formerly from Nintendo:

I suppose we can assume this is real for now. What a weird day. Really. In any case, if you’re interested in finding about how The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth made it to Nintendo’s platforms, we’ve posted the blog entry in full below.

A trio of games published by Nicalis are making their way to the European eShop this summer. 1001 Spikes and Grinsia are planned, and there’s a third mystery title coming as well.

Nicalis wrote on Twitter a short while ago:


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Nicalis is finishing up a patch for 1001 Spikes that will add off-TV play to the game’s Wii U version. It’s unclear when exactly the update will be ready, but it should be submitted to Nintendo of America next month.

Nicalis’ Tyrone Rodriguez wrote on Twitter earlier this week:


Update: It turns out that the screenshot is old, as it was originally posted by Nicalis’ Tyrone Rodriguez about a year ago (thanks BrybryPokebip). I have no idea why Nicalis tweeted it out as a company today though!

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth has long been teased for 3DS. That continued today with a new tweet from Nicalis.

Just a couple of minutes ago, the company posted the following:

By scanning the above QR code, you’ll be redirected to a URL on Nicalis’ website. What is it? A 3D screenshot of The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (shown above), which seems to come from a 3DS build.

We need the teases to stop. Now it’s time for an announcement – don’t you think?!

The Binding of Isaac was most recently teased for Wii U. Now it would appear that a 3DS version is being teased as well.

Check out the image above from Nicalis’ Tyrone Rodriguez. You’ll need to look closely, but point your eyes towards the bottom-right area of the shot…


Is The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth coming to Wii U? The snapshot above would indicate that to be the case!

What you’re actually seeing is about an image taken from a new clip found on Nicalis’ YouTube channel. View it below:

Much of the speculation regarding The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth for Nintendo platforms has been focused on a potential 3DS version. It’d certainly be a surprise if the game lands on Wii U instead!


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