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Hyrule Warriors Legends has received some new SpotPass content. Nintendo is sending out a new exclusive companion fairy named Magnolia, 10 Delicious Elixir Soups, 10 Delicious Carrots, and 500,000 rupees. If you have SpotPass enabled, expect all of these items to arrive soon.

Thanks to Cameron for the tip.

Last week, Hyrule Warriors and Hyrule Warriors Legends added the Link’s Awakening Pack. We saw plenty of footage from the console version, but not so much from the portable version. Now you can see Marin and more in Hyrule Warriors Legends through the video below.

Hyrule Warriors logo

Hyrule Warriors and Hyrule Warriors Legends will be receiving two more DLC packs in the months ahead. One based on Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks is due in September, followed by another for A Link Between Worlds in November.

It now seems that characters for both packs have been outed early. Since this falls into spoiler territory, head past the break for more information.

Nintendo is celebrating the launch of the Link’s Awakening Pack in Hyrule Warriors Legends with some new goodies. Through SpotPass, players can receive 500,000 Rupees, 10 Delicious All-Purpose Bait, 10 Delicious Hyoi Pear, and Scarlet as a new fairy companion. The offer expires on June 30.


Now that the Link’s Awakening Pack has launched for Hyrule Warriors and Hyrule Warriors Legends, we’re expecting a bunch of footage to surface showing Marin, Linkle’s Pegasus Boots, and more. We’ll keep this post updated throughout the day with videos that come in.

Hyrule Warriors and Hyrule Warriors Legends have both received new updates and DLC. On Wii U, version 1.10.0 is out now. 3DS is up to version 1.4.0.

The patch notes for Wii U say that adjustments were made to some of the characters while also fixing bugs. 3DS has increased the level cap, added medals and fairies, adjusted rupees earned through StreetPass Link, adjusted characters, and addressed bugs.

The newest DLC, Link’s Awakening Pack, is available on both of Nintendo’s platforms. This includes Marin, boots for Linkle, 16 new costumes, plus 16 new My Fairy costume pieces and an Adventure Mode map specifically on 3DS.


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In Japan, the Link’s Awakening Pack is already available for Hyrule Warriors (and presumably Hyrule Warriors Legends). Check out some footage of the DLC after the break (warning: auto-play).

Following today’s news for Japan, we now have confirmation that Hyrule Warriors Legends (and Hyrule Warriors) will be adding the Link’s Awakening Pack on June 30. It’s almost certain that North America will have it on the same day as well.

Nintendo has also shared a new trailer, posted below:

Thanks to Brian for the tip.

New videos from YouTube user ChallengeTimeLP give us a good look at Hyrule Warriors Legends’ new Master Wind Waker Pack. Get a look at an hour of footage below.

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