Pokemon Bank: upcoming generation 1 transfer details
Posted on 8 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, News | 3 Comments
While we still don’t have a concrete date beyond “late January” for the update that will implement Pokemon Bank compatibility with Pokemon Sun & Moon, we at least have some news about the transfer process from the generation 1 Virtual Console games to Pokemon Bank. This comes to us via Nintendo Hong Kong and Serebii.
One big question about this transfer process was how it would handle IVs, Natures and Abilities, since these didn’t exist (Natures & Abilities) or worked differently (IVs) in Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow. It seems like, when transferring a generation 1 Pokemon to Pokemon Bank, it will have 3 maxed out IVs and receive a random Nature and Ability (out of the ones it can have), with the possibility of it receiving its Hidden Ability. Transferred Pokemon will also receive a special Game Boy mark on their summary page, to indicate that they have been transferred from a generation 1 game.
A handy new feature is that you don’t need to transfer Pokemon to your games in order to register them in the National Pokedex. If you have all of your various games connected to Pokemon Bank, the Bank will sync them all up and combine all the Pokemon you own across your games into one list. You can also track various in-game statistics directly via the Bank, such as the total number of eggs you have hatched.
It will also be possible to send Battle Points again.
Nintendo UK distributing Mew for Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow at Sun/Moon launch event
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
For the launch of Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon later this month, Nintendo UK will be hosting an event at The Old Truman Brewery from 5 PM to 10 PM local time. Fans can look forward to different activities, competitions in Battle Royal, an appearance by battle designer Shigeki Morimoto, and more.
If that wasn’t enough, those who have the classic Pokemon games on the 3DS Virtual Console can partake in a Mew distribution. It’ll be available in Pokemon Yellow, Red, and Blue.
Tickets for the event are said to be limited. Read about more details on Nintendo UK’s site here.
More: Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Yellow, UK
Pokemon Bank compatibility with Sun & Moon planned for January 2017
Posted on 8 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS, News | 5 Comments
Today, the Japanese Pokemon Youtube channel re-uploaded a video that introduces the Pokemon Bank and Poke Transporter applications for 3DS. What’s notable about this is that the video’s description was edited to reflect the fact that the update that will allow Pokemon Bank to work with Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon is now scheduled to arrive in January 2017, two months after the launch of the new generation of games. This update will also allow players to deposit their Pokemon from the Virtual Console versions of Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow into the Bank.
Previously, no set release date for this update was announced, though perhaps many people assumed it would be available in late November alongside Sun and Moon. Still, this isn’t exactly a new occurrence as Pokemon Bank wasn’t available for the launch of Pokemon X & Y back in October 2013 either, instead launching in December 2013. Be patient, trainers, and make use of the Pokemon found in Alola until you can transfer over your old favorites!
Nintendo hosting Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow sale in Europe starting this week
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
On Thursday, Nintendo will be kicking off a two-week sale for the classic Pokemon RPGs on the 3DS eShop. Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow will be reduced to €6.99, a 30 percent discount. The offer will be valid until July 28.
Source: Nintendo PR
More: Europe, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Yellow, sale
Game Center CX – Pokemon Red/Green volume 1
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, General Nintendo, Videos | 0 comments
Nintendo has posted a new episode of Game Center CX to its Japanese YouTube page. View the full episode below featuring Pokemon Red/Green.
More: Game Center CX, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red
February 2016 NPD: Nintendo’s response – FE Fates sells nearly 400,000 copies, Pokemon breaks first-week eShop record
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, News | 8 Comments
Nintendo has issued a response to the latest NPD sales report. There’s even more good news regarding Fire Emblem Fates’ performance in the U.S. last month as well as the classic Pokemon re-releases on the eShop.
First, Nintendo says that Fire Emblem Fates sold nearly 400,000 copies when combining physical and digital versions. “This far outpaces 2013’s Fire Emblem Awakening game, the series’ previous record-holder in the United States,” according to the company.
In other news, Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow on the 3DS eShop broke the first-week sales record. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS previously held this achievement.
Head past the break to read Nintendo’s February 2016 NPD response in full.
More: Fire Emblem Fates, NPD, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Yellow, sales, top
Video: A look at Japan’s Pokemon Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow special edition boxes
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 1 Comment
NintenDaan has shared a video showing the special edition boxes released in Japan for Pokemon Red, Blue, Green and Yellow. Get a closer look at the items below.
More: Japan, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Green, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Yellow
3DS: Pokemon Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow sold 69,234 units at retail in Japan
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 2 Comments
Famitsu has offered up some Japanese sales data about the performance of Pokemon Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow on 3DS. Collectively, the games sold 69,234 units at retail. This is based on download cards sold over a two-day period, so keep in mind that downloads straight from the eShop are not included.
More: Famitsu, Japan, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Green, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Yellow, sales
Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow 3DS Virtual Console launch trailers
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Videos | 5 Comments
Nintendo has published a few videos for the launches of Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow on the 3DS Virtual Console. All three are posted below.
More: Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Yellow
Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow on the 3DS VC – Mew glitch still in, Jynx color change
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 48 Comments
We have a couple of more interesting tidbits to share regarding Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow on the 3DS Virtual Console.
First, the Mew glitch is still in. This should work in all three versions on the Virtual Console. For a look at this in action, watch the video below.
There’s also a bit of news about Jynx. The sprite was originally colored black, but has been changed to purple for the re-release.
Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow are now available on the 3DS eShop as Virtual Console downloads.