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Sonic Boom footage

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos, Wii U | 11 Comments

Footage from the Wii U and 3DS versions of Sonic Boom were shown at the GameStop Expo today. Check it out below:

Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal will feature a digital comic included as in-game content, IGN reports. The site says that the comic is roughly 30 panels long and “explores the events leading up to the game’s opening cut scene.”

Ian Flynn and penciller Evan Stanley, two folks behind the ongoing Sonic Boom comic series, are leading the way on Shattered Crystal’s digital comic.


Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric will make use of all Wii U and Wii controllers in multiplayer/co-op, according to producer Stephen Frost.

Frost confirmed on Twitter today:


SEGA has shared its lineup for PAX Prime 2014. Attendees can expect hands-on demos of Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric, Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal, and Alien: Isolation.

Check out SEGA’s official PAX Prime lineup below, including the confirmation of a first look at the new multiplayer capabilities of the Sonic gang in Rise of Lyric.

Those who pre-order Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric will receive luminous costumes, SEGA has announced. You can reserve the game here..

SEGA shared today’s news on Twitter:


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