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Square Enix

Fans have long been waiting to play Final Fantasy VIII on modern platforms. Square Enix delivered on those desires at E3 2019 last month when it announced a remastered version, which is coming to Switch.

Famitsu recently spoke with Square Enix’s Yoshinori Kitase to talk more about Final Fantasy VIII Remastered. Kitase commented on why now is the right time to revisit the game, difficulties during development, and more. We’ve prepared a full translation of the interview below.

A new update for Final Fantasy IX was made available on Switch today. Square Enix has started distribution of version 1.0.1.

Today’s patch addresses one particular issue, but one that were of annoyance to players. Background music will no longer restart after every battle or Tetra Master match.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 has finally made it to the west. Keep in mind that a day-one update is available, which you’ll definitely want to download.

Version 1.6.1 includes new DLC, a new item, several changes, and more. We’ve included the full patch notes below.

IGN has offered a look at the final English build of Dragon Quest Builders 2 on Switch with 15 minutes of footage. Check out the video below.

Dragon Quest IX celebrated its tenth anniversary today. In honor of the occasion, a few developers appeared during a live stream. Although no announcements were made, there was some interesting discussion about a remake (and a tiny bit about a sequel) which could be a possibility for Switch.

Siliconera wrote down some notes of what was said during the stream. Here’s a recap:

Square Enix issued a new Dragon Quest Builders 2 trailer today focusing on the game’s multiplayer features. Check it out below.

Trials of Mana

E3 2019 was a fantastic time for Mana fans. Not only was Collection of Mana finally announced for the west, but Trials of Mana was also revealed to be getting a full 3D remake.

At the show, we were treated to a behind-closed-doors gameplay demo, and also met with a few of the game’s developers: producers Shinichi Tatsuke and Masaru Oyamada as well as project assistant Kohei Kuroda. Tatsuke and Oyamada answered a number of our questions about how the Trials of Mana remake came to be, how difficult it was localizing the original game for Collection of Mana, what the future looks like for the series, and more.

Yesterday, Nintendo published a demo for Dragon Quest Builders 2 on the North American and European Switch eShop. View some footage of the download below.

A patch for the Switch version of Final Fantasy IX is in the works, Square Enix has confirmed. The update will fix the game so background music will not restart after every battle or Tetra Master match.

Square Enix issued the patch on PlayStation 4 earlier this week. There’s no word yet on when it will be distributed on Switch, but we’ll let you know once the update is live.


Square Enix and Tokyo RPG Factory have sent out the latest batch of details and screenshots for Oninaki. Continue on below for the rundown on characters Lobelia and Leo along with the game’s two worlds, courtesy of Siliconera.

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