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PM Studios and acttil have released a new update for MUSYNX on Switch. Players can access version 1.1.2 as of this week.

The new update addresses a couple of things in particular. First, touch screen bug fixes have been implemented where the right arrow for navigation on the song screen would become un-selectable. Another fix is included as well where the song auto selects when scrolling through the song list.

That’s a small patch, but there’s more to come for MUSYNX. The team says “there’s more awesome stuff” on the way.

Source: Switch news

Bad North

Bad North has received a new update on Switch. Raw Fury and Plausible Concept are now distributing version 1.04.

With the new patch, the focus was “performance updates which should be especially noticeable on Switch.” The developer also “improved loading times, fixed a number of bugs and updated the application icons to make the game look a bit snazzier on your console home screen.”

Angry Mob Games has announced that a massive Switch patch for Brawlout is now in certification. Its release is targeted for November 7.

Aside from the content, Brawlout’s biggest Switch update will also make many improvements. Fans can look forward to Yooka-Laylee as a new character and the Tribalstack Tropics stage. The development team is also including new character variants and Party Mode. Expect improved loading times and many gameplay tweaks as well.

You can find the full patch notes for Brawlout version 1.5 here.

Dragalia Lost released what seems to be a very minor update. Here are its very limited patch notes:

  • Implemented feature improvements.
  • Implemented bug fixes.

2K Sports has released a new update for the Switch version of NBA 2K19. Players can now access version 1.03.

Below are the full patch notes:

Streets of Red

Streets of Red has a significant patch on the way. As part of the “Monster Challenges” update, the game is adding new bosses, language options, and online leaderboards.

Here’s a trailer promoting the update:


Yesterday, Deemo was updated with support for Nintendo Labo. Version 1.4 introduces functionality with the Toy-Con Piano. Have a look at some footage of the update below.


A new update has gone live for the digital version of Deemo. Version 1.4 is here, adding in support for the Nintendo Labo Toy-Con Piano. This includes an exclusive music pack.

Yesterday, it was announced that the physical version of Deemo is launching January 29. Nintendo Labo support will come out of the box, so an update won’t be necessary.


A new update has gone live for the Switch game Light Fingers. It’s called the “Pumpkin Patch”, featuring three new tiles, three new cards, and bug fixes.

Here’s the full rundown of the update from Light Fingers’ developer:

A big Fortnite update is now available. Version 6.20 is out now, featuring the limited time Fortnitemares event and more.

Below are the full patch notes:

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