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During a developer panel at EGX just a few moments ago, a new trailer was shown for Yooka-Laylee. It’s been revealed that Shovel Knight will be joining the game as a special guest character.

Here’s the video:

Playtonic and Team17, who is working with Playtonic on Yooka-Laylee, discussed the idea of featuring a guest character. Playtonic then turned to Yacht Club Games’ Shovel Knight after thinking about how it was a “much-loved game” with a team that “shares the same kinds of values we do as developers and has created something fantastic in the past”. It was also important to include a character that could appear on all platforms.

Shovel Knight’s way of speaking in Yooka-Laylee will be “authentic”. After receiving an explanation and practicing on a Skype call, Yacht Club went through the steps of how Playtonic creates the mumbling voices, and the result was added to the title directly.

Playtonic also indicated that there aren’t any other guest characters in Yooka-Laylee, but the studio is open to the idea.

Assuming Nintendo doesn’t have an imminent surprise in store, we still won’t know what the NX actually is by the end of next week. That means September will have come and gone without a reveal. I personally did believe that we would be seeing the system this month, but that’s looking incredibly unlikely at this point.

Common sense would tell you that Nintendo will finally show us what the NX has to offer next month. The company’s Q2 earnings release is scheduled for October 26, and I just can’t see the big N going past that date. October also leaves us with six months before March – the month when Nintendo said NX would be launching. Might October finally be our lucky month?

When Nintendo is ready to talk about NX, there’s going to be a lot to show – what the system is, how much it’ll cost, upcoming games, a specific launch date, and plenty more. And hey… NX probably isn’t the final name!

So let’s talk about this a bit. Do you guys have any predictions in store for the NX’s unveiling? Do you have a certain date in mind as to when the NX will be properly announced and when it will be released? What projects from Nintendo – and other game makers – do you see being present at the event? Any name predictions? Let us know in the comments below!

Highlights from last week’s topic: What are you playing? – September 2016

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Nintendo Everything was at this year’s Tokyo Game Show! We had a low-key presence at the event, but we did manage to try out several upcoming Japanese 3DS titles. Look for our impressions in the coming days.

Megami Meguri is Capcom’s upcoming new 3DS game where players communicate with and raise an IC card spirit. The regular game, a free-to-play experience, will be fully downloadable from the eShop. However, there will be also physical Collector’s Package (at 5,800 yen) and a limited Complete Edition at e-Capcom (9,800 yen) that will also come with extra memorabilia.

A demo of Megami Meguri was available at Tokyo Game Show 2016. When we started playing, Amaterasu greeted us in her human form, explaining what we are expected to do to raise the spirit, before converting to a chibi form.

After a brief hiatus, we’re back with a new comic for your enjoyment. And what better way to return than with a new one focused on Zelda? Let’s get the show on the road then…


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A few days ago, Nintendo posted an interview with Splatoon producer Hisashi Nogami on its German YouTube page. An English version hasn’t been made available, but we do have a complete translation of the Q&A.

During the brief interview, Nogami touched on Splatoon’s reception, the competitive scene, and his preference of Callie or Marie. Head past the break for his full comments.

Update: The pre-load option has now been been pulled in North America. Not too surprising!

Last night, we reported that Paper Mario: Color Splash can now be pre-loaded in North America from the Wii U eShop. Nintendo has done this with plenty of the games in the past across both Wii U and 3DS. However, with Color Splash, a major error has been made.

We’re hearing that those who pre-load Paper Mario: Color Splash actually have access to the entire game right now. Obviously, that isn’t supposed to happen as it doesn’t launch until October 7. Those who take advantage of pre-loading usually need to apply a brief update on launch day before they can begin to play.

We’ll let you know if we receive any further updates about the situation.


System: Wii U (eShop)
Release date: September 22, 2016
Developer: DrinkBox Studios
Publisher DrinkBox Studios

Severed is a really interesting experiment in nabbing some popular mobile game mechanics and fleshing them out into a unique dungeon-crawling RPG with combat that plays out more rhythmically than statistically. Really, Severed takes a bunch of concepts and fuses them together in a very fun way. It’s hard to compare it to any one game in particular, but easy to see the little bits and pieces of inspiration it grabbed from here and there.

Continuing on from his comments yesterday, Yves Guillemot has again spoken about NX. IGN put up more comments from the Ubisoft CEO, most notably of which has him saying that “Nintendo has learned from the Wii U” with its new system.

Guillemot said the following when asked if he views the NX as a step back towards the Wii’s more inclusive approach:

“It’s difficult to answer that [before NX is revealed]. What we see is that Nintendo has learned from the Wii U. All publishers learn from what they do, and then come with something new and more attractive, which I think is the case here.”

Guillemot went on to praise NX’s interface and how the system “will be easy to use for all gamers”:

We’re a Nintendo blog, so we’d be remiss if we didn’t point out Nintendo’s birthday! That’s right: the company is celebrating its big day today, now that it’s officially September 23 in Japan. Nintendo has been around for 127 years having been established way back on September 23, 1889.

While we remember the big N’s past, we also have our eyes on the future. The company is heading in an interesting direction between NX, the new push on mobile this year, and reaching out into other areas like the Universal Studios partnership. Hopefully we’ll be able to celebrate many more of Nintendo’s birthdays in the years to come!


This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Download

Double Breakout – $7.00
Laser Blaster – $1.99
Severed – $13.49
Titan’s Tower – $1.49
Wings of Magloryx – $14.99

Wii Retail for Wii U

Donkey Kong Country Returns – $19.99

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