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Amazon has posted the North American Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns boxart. Take a look at the packaging shot above.

You can pre-order Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns here. The 20 percent discount is now active, meaning Prime members can save $8.

Yesterday, XSEED showcased its full slate of titles from E3. Footage was shown from a variety of games including Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, Exile’s End, Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns, and Corpse Party. See the recording below.

Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns is now available in Japan, and players are starting to record footage from the game. View an hour of gameplay below.

Footage of E3 demos are still coming in. This time, Nintendo World Report has shared a few minutes of off-screen Corpse Party gameplay. See it in the video below.

Marvelous issued several new Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns screenshots (and a few pieces of art) today. The full set, posted below, shows off the various pets in the game. We also have a full listing of dogs, cats, and capybaras available in the game after the break.

During E3 earlier this week, XSEED was showing off Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns. View some off-screen footage below.

Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns is once again featured in Famitsu. Similar to last week, there’s a lot of recap, but some new details as well.

Probably the biggest thing we learn pertains to Inari’s gender. The reason why players of both genders can marry the character is because its gender will change depending on the gender chosen for player. Picking the male player character will result in a female Inarie, and vice versa. Also notice that the male Inari has sharper-looking eyes.

Other than that, we also have the following information about other characters in the game:

XSEED is publishing Exile’s End on the Wii U eShop later this year. Check out the game’s E3 trailer below.

Thanks to Nintendo World Report, we now have direct-feed footage from Shantae: Half-Genie Hero. See it in the video below.

GameXplain has posted more off-screen footage of Shantae: Half-Genie Hero from the game’s E3 build. Watch the gameplay below.

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