Pokemon the Movie: Coco – Japanese tickets purchased in advance reward special in-game Pokemon
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Switch | 0 comments
With the movie’s July 10th release seeming pretty far away, it was announced that starting April 17th, tickets will be available for pre-order for Pokemon the Movie: Coco. Moviegoers will also be rewarded for their purchase, with a shiny Celebi being gifted to all who pre-purchase a ticket, and Zarude becoming available to players from June 15th. While nothing has been announced for Western players just yet, its a matter of time before we are informed of how to obtain this new Legendary Pokemon.
Freedom Finger – Rhymesayers Update arriving on March 24
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Switch | 0 comments
Wide Right Interactive’s Freedom Finger will be obtaining its latest update on March 24th for Nintendo Switch. The “Rhymesayers Update” adds new levels featuring original music by underground hip-hop artist Aesop Rock, as well as “a wide variety” of enhancements, bug fixes, and accessibility options. You can see a trailer for the update below:
Fire Emblem Heroes – Flame Emperor: Bringer of War arrives
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
Hailing from Fire Emblem: Three Houses game, a new Grand Hero, Flame Emperor: Bringer of War, is waiting in Special Maps. Defeat this mysterious individual who instigates conflict to make them your ally in battle. Take a look at today’s full character art of the Flame Emperor below:
Pokemon Masters – 3/6/2020 events roundup
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
Here are the latest events in Pokemon Masters:
- Spotlight Scout: Grimsley & Liepard; Karen & Houndoom are both featured pairs
- The Lurking Shadow events with Giovanni & Mewtwo has made a return with changes made due to player feedback.
- The Electric-type training event has made a return, allowing players to level their teams through the challenges.
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters
Pokemon Sword/Shield – 2020 International Challenge April announced
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Switch | 0 comments
The 2020 International Challenge Online Competition is the fourth online competition for Pokémon Sword & Shield. This tournament runs standard VGC ruleset and servers as a way of earning up to 50 Championship Points towards your Pokémon World Championships 2020 invite. All entrants get a Casual Tee (Great Ball Guy.) The format for this competition will be Double Battle, so plan your team accordingly. Check out entry info here:
Registration Date: March 26th 2020 05:00 UTC – April 9th 2020 23:59 UTC
Battle Date: April 10th 2020 00:00 UTC – April 13th 23:59 UTC
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sword
Hatsune Miku – Project Diva MegaMix tops 150k & Future Tone tops 450k worldwide
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in News, Switch | 0 comments
Sega has announced some good news concerning the total shipments and digital sales for Hatsune Miku: Project Diva MegaMix — they have surpassed 150,000 units in Japan and Asia. Additionally, Sega has said that total shipments and digital sales for Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone and its DX version have surpassed 450,000 units worldwide. Hatsune Miku: Project Diva MegaMix originally launched for Switch on February 13 in Japan, and is due out in 2020 in the Americas and Europe.
Fire Emblem Heroes – 3/5/2020 events roundup
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
Check out the latest goings-on in Fire Emblem Heroes below:
- Sharena added more intros to Meet Some of the Heroes! This time, Ferdinand: Noblest of Nobles, Lysithea: Child Prodigy, Bernadetta: Eternal Loner, Annette: Overachiever, and Flame Emperor: Bringer of War were added.
- Forging Bonds: Harmony amid Chaos begins Mar. 5, 11 PM PT. Forge bonds with Heroes from the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game to unlock special conversations! You’ll also be able to earn Divine Codes (Ephemera 3), which can be exchanged for Limited-Time Combat Manuals!
- Mjölnir’s Strike: Rest period is now active. Battles have come to a close…for now! How did the Kingdom of Askr fare? Don’t forget to collect your rewards if you played! Use the downtime to improve Midgard’s Shield and strengthen the Heroes on your defensive team.
- Coliseum Quests are here! Complete these quests to earn Orbs, Hero Feathers, and other rewards!
- You can now use Divine Codes to compile Combat Manuals! See the in-game notification for details, including a list of Limited-Time Combat Manuals that you can compile using Divine Codes (Ephemera 3) earned in Ver. 4.3.0 events.
- Forma Souls can be used to add Forma units from the Hall of Forms to your army. Forma Souls are included in Forma Soul Packs, which are coming to the Shop soon. Each Forma Soul Pack contains 60 Orbs and 1 Forma Soul.
- Lysithea, Ferdinand, Bernadetta, and Annette from the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game appear as New Heroes Mar. 5, 11 PM PT! Discover what sets them apart with some tips from the Nintendo Treehouse. (Subtitles available via YouTube settings.)
My Hero: One’s Justice 2 – Sir Nighteye showcase video
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in News | 0 comments
A new video has arrived promoting Sir Nighteye from My Hero: One’s Justice 2. The following is an excerpt about the character:
Mirai Sasaki, also known as Sir Nighteye, is a Pro Hero and Mirio Togata’s mentor. He was also a former Sidekick and was considered to be the brains of All Might. He Employs Mirio Togata and Izuku Midoriya for his internship at his agency the Nighteye Agency.
Dr. Mario World update out now (version 1.3.0)
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
In the latest batch of updates for Nintendo’s smartphone apps, it would seem Dr. Mario World is also in the running, with an update available for iOS and Android players bringing the app’s version to 1.3.0. Players can look at the patch notes and changes below:
- Added a Daily Booster stage that can be played every day
- Added a useful stage mode item, the boomerang.
- Adjusted the number of diamonds required for some items.
- Fixed bugs.
- Made other minor adjustments.
- To replace the Daily Gift, we will add a special stage where you can earn coins and doc tokens every day.
- We will add a new item that can be used in stage mode. Along with this addition, we will also adjust the number of diamonds required for some existing items.
- We will change the lineup under Special Packs in the shop.
More: DeNA, Dr. Mario World
Fire Emblem Heroes update out now (version 4.3.0)
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
An update is now available for Fire Emblem Heroes, bringing the version number to 4.3.0. Players can experience the following changes per the patch notes:
- Combat Manuals can now be compiled from Divine Codes using the new Compile Combat Manual feature.
- Forma units from the Hall of Forms events can now be made into allies with the new Forma Soul items.
- The Compile Combat Manual feature is being added. You will be able to compile Combat Manuals using Divine Codes.
- Divine Codes (Part 1): These can be used to compile Normal Combat Manuals. Tap Allies, Compile, then Normal to view the list of paths. Choose the leftmost Combat Manual on the path you wish to unlock. You may set down any path you like, and switch to another path at any time.
- You receive 1,500 Divine Codes (Part 1) when you enter the Compile screen for the first time.
- Divine Codes (Part 1) appear as Tier Rewards in Mjölnir’s Strike. From Mar. 2, 11 PM PT, they will also appear as Rank Rewards in Aether Raids and Tier Awards in the Arena.
- Divine Codes (Ephemera): These can be used to compile Limited-Time Combat Manuals. The type of Ephemera available will change with each update. In Ver. 4.3.0, the Heroes whose Combat Manuals can be compiled with Divine Codes (Ephemera 3) are listed in the in-game notifications.
- New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
- Laid-Back Blade for Gray: Wry Comrade
- Jubilant Blade for Tobin: The Clueless One
- Veteran Lance for Jagen: Veteran Knight
- Thunderhead for Olwen: Righteous Knight
- Aether Resort is being updated
- Three new songs from the Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, and Fire Emblem: Three Houses games are being added to the Concert Hall.
- Mjölnir’s Strike is being updated
- The following mechanism’s level cap will increase: ・ Dökkálfar Briar: up to level 4
- Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
- The following Heroes may be summoned using Heroic Grails:
- Travant: King of Thracia
- Itsuki: Finding a Path
- Other Changes
- The quest completion counter shown above Quests & Missions on the Home screen will no longer include completed Feh Pass Quests for players who are not subscribed to the Feh Pass.