Splatoon sells over 1 million units in Europe
Posted on 9 years ago by Jake in News, Wii U | 11 Comments
Splatoon continues to set milestones in sales, as Nintendo announced via Twitter that the inky shooter has managed to sell over 1,000,000 units in Europe alone.
#Splatoon has sold 1,000,000 copies in Europe! The game's Art Director Mr Inoue made this drawing to thank you all! pic.twitter.com/bGhmVwxYZA
— Nintendo of Europe (@NintendoEurope) March 9, 2016
More: Splatoon
Super Mario Maker version 1.40 out now
Posted on 9 years ago by Jake in News, Wii U | 0 comments
The latest patch for Super Mario Maker is now live. It will update the game to version 1.40. The update requires 361MB of free space, and will add in Skewers, keys, pink coins, Super Expert Mode in 100-Mario Challenge upon clearing Expert mode, and ranking categories for world records and the number of first clears on courses on the Super Mario Maker Bookmark site.
More: Super Mario Maker
Pokémon Shuffle update: Omastar, Mega Charizard Y
Posted on 9 years ago by Jake in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
It’s the Pokémon Shuffle update time of the week, this time bringing in the new Omastar stage, alongside a repeat run of Mega Charizard Y. Both of these stages are available for both the 3DS and mobile versions. Omastar will run until March 22nd, and Mega Charizard Y will run until March 15th.
Additionally, the Mega Charizard Y stage will only give certain prizes to the top players. The number of players who will receive the prizes vary by region and version. The top 5,000 Japanese, 2,000 North American, and 1,200 European players will get a Mega Speedup. The top 50,000 players in Japan, 20,000 in North America, and 12,000 in Europe will get a Charizardite Y. The top 80,000 players in Japan, 30,000 in North America, and 18,000 in Europe will get an Attack Power, and other participants will recieve a Disruption Delay. For the mobile version, the top 10,000 players globally will recieve a Meta Speedup, and the top 100,000 will get a Charizardite Y. The top 150,000 players will also get an Attack Power, and every non-winning participant gets a Disruption Delay.
More: Pokemon Shuffle
Monster Hunter Generations live stream
Posted on 9 years ago by Jake in 3DS, Videos | 1 Comment
Update (3/7): Bumped to the top. Here’s the full recording:
Original (3/4): Capcom is now kicking off a live stream for Monster Hunter Generations. Since it’s on Twitch and that means auto-play, we’re posting the embed after the break.
More: Capcom, Monster Hunter Generations
Star Fox Zero Japanese website updates; includes opening cutscene
Posted on 9 years ago by Jake in News, Wii U | 3 Comments
The official Japanese website for Star Fox Zero has updated. Included in the update are Miyamoto’s Japanese interview, more shots of the SNES style Arwing, and the opening cutscene (in Japanese), which can be viewed below.
More: Platinum Games, Star Fox Zero
Etrian Odyssey V to release August 4th in Japan
Posted on 9 years ago by Jake in 3DS, News | 3 Comments
Etrian Odyssey V, which Atlus has been very quiet on, is apparently now scheduled for release on August 4th in Japan, with more information on the game coming in an upcoming issue of Famitsu. The preview also confirms that the game will release on 3DS.
More: Atlus, Etrian Odyssey V
New Battle Competition for Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire
Posted on 9 years ago by Jake in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are getting a new online, international Battle Competition. This competition will be double battles abiding by VGC 2016 rules and will allow players to use up to two certain legendary Pokémon, specifically Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde. However, other Pokémon are banned, specifically Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesect, Diancie, and Hoopa, as well as any Pokémon not from versions X, Y, Omega Ruby, or Alpha Sapphire. Registration will be from March 17th to March 24th, with the actual competition occurring from the 25th through the 27th. Everyone who enters will gain 2,000 PokéMiles.
Pokémon Shuffle update: Kabutops, Machamp, Darkrai
Posted on 9 years ago by Jake in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
Pokémon Shuffle hits its weekly update, this time adding in stages for Kabutops, Machamp, and Darkrai.
The Kabutops stage is a speed challenge, tasking players with beating the Pokémon in under two minutes. The Machamp stage is a standard stage, and the Darkrai stage is an Escalation battle, where the odds of catching Darkrai increase the more times you beat the stage. All of these stages are available on both Pokémon Shuffle and Pokémon Shuffle mobile, with Kabutops and Darkrai running until March 15th and Machamp running until the 8th.
More: Pokemon Shuffle
Nintendo modifies full-year financial forecast
Posted on 9 years ago by Jake in General Nintendo, News | 14 Comments
Nintendo has released an updated version of their financial forecasts as the end of the financial year gets closer, cutting projected profits and total sales. The release cites a decrease in the value of the yen for some of these changes. Some of the more important notes:
-Projected 3DS hardware sales lowered by 1 million units, software sales by 9 million
-Wii and WiiU hardware sales remain the same, but software sale projections increased
-Lowered net sales by 12.3 percent
-Net sales now expected to be lower than last year
Pokémon Shuffle update: Gyrados, Mega Charizard X, Mega Venusaur
Posted on 9 years ago by Jake in 3DS eShop, News | 2 Comments
It’s the time of week for Pokémon Shuffle to update, this time bringing Gyrados to both the 3DS and mobile versions, as well as Mega Charizard X for the 3DS version and Mega Venusaur for the mobile.
The Gyrados stage is a standard stage and will run until March 8th. The Mega Charizard X and Mega Venusaur stages are both competitive and will run until March 1st. For the 3DS’s Mega Charizard X stage, the top 12,000 European, 19,000 North American, and 50,000 Japanese players will receive the Charizardite X. Additionally, the top 2,500 in Europe, 3,700 in North America and 5,000 in Japan will get a Mega Speedup. Every player who participates will get an Attack Power, and the top 17,000 in Europe, 26,000 in North America, and 70,000 in Japan will get two Attack Powers.
Pokémon Shuffle mobile’s Mega Venusaur stage will be a global competition, with the top 80,000 players winning a Venusaurite, and the top 20,000 of those getting a Mega Speedup. Everyone who participates will receive an Attack Power, with the top 120,000 players will get two Attack Powers.