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This holiday season will be especially important for Nintendo. The heavy hitters of the year – Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu / Eevee and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – are finally launching, and the company will need success in order to reach its goal of selling 20 million Switch systems this fiscal year.

The holidays are also important for Nintendo due to the high amount of sales collected during the period. Reggie said that “in the Americas, about 60% of our revenue during that time frame.”

In Europe and Japan, Nintendo recently shipped a Minecraft-themed New 2DS XL system. The design was based around the Creeper, one of the game’s hostile mobs.

Lydia Winters was one of the staffers at Mojang heavily involved with the creation of the new look. Winters was able to talk about working on the design, including a couple of scrapped ideas.

Nintendo has been present at The Game Awards almost every year. In most cases, the company comes along with multiple announcements. Last year was arguably the biggest with the reveal of Bayonetta 3, the news that Bayonetta 1 + 2 were coming to Switch, and the proper unveiling (and subsequent release) of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s story DLC.

The Game Awards 2018 are less than two weeks away. It’d be very surprising if Nintendo didn’t have at least one announcement for the show, or at least a look at something new. Could we get a better look at Bayonetta 3? A first look at Metroid Prime 4? Share your predictions with us in the comments below.

Nintendo’s website is showing a new Switch title from Bloom Digital. The studio will be bringing LongStory: A Dating Game for the Real World to Switch next month, according to the listing.

LongStory is described as “a charming and LGBTQ+ friendly dating sim set at the weirdly lovable Weasel Heights Middle School” in which you can “pick your pronouns as well as who, or even if, you would like to date any of your romanceable friends.”

Included in the new guide for Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu and Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee is a bunch of concept art for the game. The images show off characters, settings, and more. Find the full set of concept art below.


I Am the Hero

Ratalakia Games will be bringing I Am the Hero to Switch next week. Watch nearly an hour of footage in the video below.

My Time at Portia

My Time At Portia has received another new trailer focusing on social life. Players will be able to interact with citizens of Portia by building friendships, having romantic relationships, and even get married. View a trailer showing off this aspect of the game below.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Update: Post updated at 12 PM ET on November 24.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate comes out two weeks from today, but the game is already out in the wild. Whether it’s through retailers selling the game early or other means, fans are already getting their hands on it. Naturally, that only means one thing: leaks.

Like with any other major title, people are already going to work on Smash Bros. Ultimate to see what’s hidden within the game’s files. Music, bosses, and plenty more are already making the rounds online with more sure to continue.

We’ll be covering the leaks and datamines, but only in this post. No other area of the site will contain content not released by Nintendo. With that being said, we’ll round up anything interesting below. Do not proceed if you do not wish to be spoiled in any fashion.

The next SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy DLC characters has revealed. Stemming from the World Heroes series, Jeanne (or Janne D’Arc) will be added to the game next month.

Here’s her trailer:

Jeanne will be available in SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy on December 13.

Earlier this year, Billy Mitchell – one of the top Donkey Kong players – had his high scores heavily scrutinized. The primary issue was that Mitchell was thought to have achieved his scores on an emulator instead of real arcade hardware.

Since the initial accusations and after some of his scores were removed, Mitchell has been looking to clear his name. He came a long way in doing so yesterday after live streaming himself playing Donkey Kong and matching scores that were investigated in the past.

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