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A few weeks ago, a rating for Detention was found for Switch in Taiwan. Coconut Island Games has now made the news official.

Detention is a 2D atmospheric horror side-scroller in which two students are trapped in a high school and need to find a way to escape. We’ve once again included more in-depth information below and a trailer for those who missed it the first time around.

Update: Young Horses has confirmed the November 9 release date.

Original: A listing on Nintendo’s website reveals that Octodad: Dadliest Catch is coming Switch. Even better, it could be just a week away. Release dates from Nintendo’s website have been inaccurate from time to time, but Octodad: Dadliest Catch is currently slated for November 9.

Octodad: Dadliest Catch made it to Wii U a couple of years ago. The game involves controlling “a dapper octopus masquerading as a human” in which you complete various family-related missions and chores.

We have more information about Octodad: Dadliest Catch below, along with a trailer.

Two more Legendary Pokemon could be made available in Pokemon GO soon. Full 3D models have been found for both Ho-Oh and Celebi following some datamining. This even includes a shiny form for Ho-Oh.

It’s not yet known when Ho-Oh and Celebi will be officially released in Pokemon GO. But since this data already exists, we could be seeing them very soon.

Source, Via

Immortal Redneck

Is Immortal Redneck heading to Switch? Quite possibly. A rating for the game has popped up in Taiwan. Since it’s been rated, one would think that there are plans for it to be released on Switch.

Immortal Redneck is a first-person shooter with rogue-lite elements. It’s set in Egypt, with a redneck tourist waking up mummified after an accident.

Find more details about Immortal Redneck below, along with a trailer.

Europe and Japan started the pre-load of Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon earlier today. The same option has now been extended to North America as well.

With pre-loading, you can pay for the game in advance and download most of the required data. Nintendo will then release a small update on launch day so that you can begin playing right away.

Pokemon Ultra Sun takes up 28,208 blocks of space / 3.44. Pokemon Ultra Moon is 28,305 blocks / 3.46GB.

Source: 3DS eShop

Stardew Valley

Nintendo released a new video today showcasing a few European digital game highlights from October 2017. You can watch it below.

Bandai Namco readied new content for the upcoming update and DLC for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. In addition to the new Hero Colosseum mode, we have news about Extra Pack 1 and 2.

Below are the full details and trailers:

One portion of Nintendo’s financial results briefing involved a Q&A session. The transcript is only up in Japanese at present, though the English version should be out within the next few days. Siliconera did translate a couple of the excerpts ahead of time.

Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima was asked about Nintendo’s plans for China involving Switch. Kimishima also weighed in on the possibility of releasing mobile games in the country.

The full excerpts are below:

New details about Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon were unleashed today. Some of the information pertained to Legendary Pokemon. Both versions will have their own exclusives, and we have the full list below.

The Switch eShop listing for Doom has updated with the game’s file size. For those who plan on purchasing the game digitally, 13.4GB of free space is needed.

While it’s not said specifically, we can assume that multiplayer will be a separate download on Switch, as is the case with the physical version. Bethesda previously said that the multiplayer component takes up about 9GB of space.

Source: Switch eShop

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