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Nicalis’ E3 2017 lineup is in. Believe it or not, everything the publisher intends to showcase is lined up for Switch.

The newly-revealed Blade Strangers will be present, along with The End is Night, and Ittle Dew 2+. We also now know that Tiny Barbarian DX is on the way to Switch.

Tiny Barbarian DX is a mix of 2D platforming action and combo-based hack-and-slash combat with a retro-style pixel art style. Two-player co-op, unlockable game modes, and homages to classic 8- and 16-bit games are included.

We’ve included a trailer for Tiny Barbarian DX below. You can also find the full rundown on Nicalis’ E3 lineup after the break.

Pokemon GO is gearing up for another special event. Starting tomorrow and lasting for a week, players can participate in a new promotion involving Fire-type and Ice-type Pokemon.

Trainers will be able to more easily discover Charmander, Cyndaquil, Growlithe, Houndour, Ponyta, Swinub, Vulpix, and their Evolutions. Sneasel, Magmar, Cloyster, and other Fire types and Ice will be more likely to appear as well.

Players will earn huge XP bonuses for successfully catching Pokemon with Nice, Great, and Excellent Throws, as well as Curveballs and First Throws. You’ll earn even more XP for hatching Eggs, too. Lucky Eggs will be 50% off in the in-game shop to celebrate.

Niantic teases “more exciting updates coming your way soon” in Pokemon GO.


With E3 2017 taking place this week, many are counting on more Fire Emblem Warriors news to be unveiled within the next few days. The game’s Japanese Twitter account confirms as much.

A brief message posted today notes that there’s more to share on Fire Emblem Warriors this week. That includes new information about the included heroes.

Fire Emblem Warriors should be appearing in the Nintendo Spotlight: E3 2017 video presentation. Famitsu may have early coverage as well.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

The first bit of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 footage on Switch was shown during a Nico Nico live stream (hence the lowish quality) hosted by V Jump today. We’ve got the relevant recording below, including a look at motion controls in action.

Thanks to n128 for the tip.

The Nintendo UK stores is now taking pre-orders for the New 2DS XL. If you reserve a unit, you’ll receive a pouch pictured above. You can pre-order both versions of the system from Nintendo here.

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Bethesda has sent out some new assets for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on Switch. Find some screenshots below, along with a fact sheet.


Winner of more than 200 Game of the Year Awards, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the epic fantasy from Bethesda Game Studios, arrives for Nintendo Switch. The legendary open-world adventure where you can be anyone and do anything, now allows you to go anywhere – at home on your TV or on the go. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for Nintendo Switch includes all-new gameplay features like motion controls for combat and lockpicking, outfits and gear from The Legend of Zelda, plus additional loot unlocked from compatible The Legend of Zelda amiibo figures. Take down enemies with the Master Sword, protect yourself with the Hylian Shield or look heroic in the Champion’s Tunic. Skyrim also includes all official add-ons – Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn.

Bethesda has posted the boxart for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on Switch. Get a look at the packaging image above.


At its E3 2017 media briefing, Bethesda debuted a brand new trailer for the Switch version of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Exclusive features for the new version of the game were shown.

On Switch, Skyrim has outfits and gear from The Legend of Zelda, including the Master Sword, Hylian Shield, and Champion’s Tunic. Scanning amiibo from the Zelda and Smash Bros. series will unlock “additional loot.” Motion controls are supported as well. Finally, all add-ons will be in the package: Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn.

View the new trailer for Skyrim on Switch below.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim will launch on Switch this holiday.

Cave Story+ was the final Nicalis game featured during Twitch’s E3 2017 live stream. Check out the recording in full below.

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