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Update (2/9): If you prefer Amazon, both versions are up here.

Update (2/1): Pre-orders are now open on Play-Asia. The standard version is here, and the DX version is here.

Original (1/31): Retailers are beginning to take pre-orders for the new Zelda: Breath of the Wild Link Nendoroid. So far, AmiAmi and Good Smile are taking reservations.

Below are links for both:


Regular Edition
DX Edition

Good Smile

Regular Edition
DX Edition

Play-Asia isn’t taking pre-orders yet, but we’ll inform you when they’re live.

New Skylanders titles have been produced annually since 2011. This year, Activision is finally breaking that tradition. The company confirmed that there will not be a new game on consoles in 2017.

Activision isn’t abandoning its plans for Skylanders overall. New content is planned for Skylanders Imaginators (including a Switch version), and a mobile game is in the works. We also know that the Netflix animated show has been renewed for a third season, and we’ll be seeing that in 2018.


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Game Informer has shared a series of brand new Zelda: Breath of the Wild screenshots from its cover story this month. Since one of the images shows one of the game’s bosses, we’ve posted the gallery after the break.

Nintendo finally brought Mario vs. Donkey Kong to the North American Wii U Virtual Console today. Watch some footage below.

During a live stream earlier today, Sumo Digital showcased the first footage of Snake Pass on Switch. Head past the break for the full archive with gameplay.

Words Up! Academy made it to 3DS last year, but CoderChild just released a Wii U version today. Check out some gameplay below.

Ubisoft is supporting Switch with Just Dance 2017 at the console’s launch. Steep and Rayman Legends Definitive Edition will also be published at some point this year.

During its latest financial call today, Ubisoft once again commented on Switch. The company said it intends to support Switch strongly, and pointed to Pokemon GO as well as Pokemon Sun/Moon as to why it believes in the Nintendo brand.

Also mentioned is that “Nintendo has a good chance to come back strong in the living room”. A few Switch titles are coming by March 2018, though it’s unclear if Ubisoft has anything else in the pipeline beyond what’s been announced.

Source 1, Source 2


Update (2/9): Embed version is up:

Original (2/8): Game Informer put up its first online feature pertaining to its cover story on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild today. In a four-minute chat, Shigeru Miyamoto and Eiji Aonuma talk a bunch about the anticipated game, as well as other topics such as Link’s full name, what “NX” stood for (they don’t really know), and more.

Unfortunately, we don’t have an embed option at present, so you’ll need to visit this page for the full interview. We’ll add it in here once it’s posted to Game Informer’s YouTube page.

XSEED is back with the introduction of another bachelorette in Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns. Today, we hear about Tsuyukusa teahouse waitress Komari.

Check out Komari’s introduction below. Previews overviews are located here.


More footage has emerged from Goodbye! BoxBoy!, which arrived in Japan last week. You can see what the new Qbby amiibo unlocks below as well as the second Challenge World.

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