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EA and Nintendo have had somewhat of a rough relationship over the past few years. During the Wii U’s E3 unveiling a few years back, you may recall that now former CEO John Riccitiello came on stage to pledge the company’s support for the console. Ultimately, we ended up with Mass Effect 3, FIFA 13, and Madden NFL 13 at launch. Need for Speed: Most Wanted U came a few months later, but EA’s support was pretty much over by the middle of 2013.

Now with NX, Nintendo has a new system on the horizon. Is that something EA could be interested in? Perhaps.

EA CEO Andrew Wilson was asked about the publisher’s resource management during its Q2 2016 earnings call earlier this week. In response, he said:

As we look to the future, we see a world where more people are playing on more platforms in more geographies then ever before. We see the platform cycle now, not just as a traditional six-year console cycle, but as a six-month refresh rate on mobile devices, smart TV’s, Internet-enabled refrigerators, or whatever it might be.

And what we’re doing, in terms of resource allocation, is really investing at a core digital platform level, at an engine level, and at a game architecture level, to ensure that we are able to deliver amazing experiences: 6 inches to 60 inches, and beyond; two minutes to two hour session times, and beyond; across any and all relevant devices where gamers are playing.

And as it relates to Nintendo, we’ve had a tremendous relationship with them over the years. And we will evaluate any and all opportunities with them, in the same way we do all platform opportunities.

So there’s definitely not anything there in terms of a commitment, though EA appears to be leaving the door open. If nothing else, they seem to still value their relationship with Nintendo.



Comic Workshop 2 received its 1.2 update in Europe earlier this week. There’s now some good news to report on for North America, with Collavier confirming on Miiverse that the patch is due out there soon as well – apparently next week.

Two main aspects are behind the new update. Collavier has addressed some bugs, and has also added an auto-correction for curves.

Here’s the news from Miiverse:


Retroid Interactive brought PictoParty to the North American Wii U eShop on Thursday. Take a look at an extensive video look at the title below.

Some Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash players may find that the game is a bit limited in terms of content. It doesn’t sound like there’s much there in the way of modes, which also extends to online play.

This is a bit bizarre, but Ultra Smash lacks support for lobbies or communities. Essentially, that will take it tough for players to connect with friends online. The only modes available for Internet play include Single and Doubles.

Both of these feature Relaxed and Serious options. For the latter, it’s possible to play ranked battles and grow your standing among other players worldwide. Doubles lets players team up with another person locally or with an amiibo. It’s also worth mentioning that you can’t control the length of the match unlike local multiplayer. However, players can choose for a tiebreaker or a two-game, one-set match.


Splatoon’s latest North American Splatfest has gone live, just in time for Halloween. Players can either be on Team Pirate or Team Ninja.

Like usual, the Splatfest will end after a full day – 12 AM ET on Sunday and 9 PM PT on Saturday. The results will be available soon after the event is finished.


Several new games out came out this week on the Wii U and 3DS eShops. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a peak at the gallery below.

Let us introduce you to three of the 200 amazing Yo-kai characters you’ll grow to love once you pick up the game and start to play:

Yo-kai Watch is a week away from its launch in North America. With its release date so close and Halloween taking place on Saturday, Nintendo is doing some extra promotion for the game.

First, here’s an overview of three of the 200 Yo-kai characters in the game:



Jibanyan is a slacker cat who saps your energy. When he’s not lying around eating chocolate bars, Jibanyan likes to practice his fighting moves on passing trucks — usually with painful results!



Walkappa makes you want to go for a swim — or jump in a lake! Most kappas stay in the water, but this one is a landlubber. He keeps a bottle of water to pour on his head to stay wet, though.



Ever revealed a secret without realizing it? It might be the work of Tattletell, a mischievous Yo-kai who takes the form of an elderly woman.

Nintendo has also passed along a few Halloween posters in spirit of the event. Those are in the gallery below.

Source: Nintendo PR

The image above is a look at Dark Mewtwo, who was just added to the arcade version via a surprise update. He’s an exclusive boss in the fighting game – for now anyway. In any case, get a look at Dark Mewtwo below.


In the latest episode of Nintendo Minute, Kit and Krysta return to take on the next part of Year Walk. You can watch today’s full video below.

Aksys Games and Spike Chunsoft have announced a final North American name for Zero Escape 3 in celebration of Halloween. Going forward, the game will be known as “Zero Time Dilemma”.

Aksys Games also passed along the following information, which recaps what was shared previously:

“Building on the success of its predecessors, Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, and Virtue’s Last Reward, series mastermind Kotaro Uchikoshi has pulled out all the stops to deliver the most compelling and mind shredding gaming experience ever seen on a handheld platform. Choice is your only method of salvation and your only means of escape. How much of your humanity will you sacrifice to earn your freedom? As a new age of ruin looms large on the horizon, you must make impossible decisions and weather unimaginable consequences as you straddle the line between absolution and damnation. Plan your escape. Releasing Summer 2016 for both retail and digital in North America and digital only in Europe.”

Zero Time Dilemma launches in summer 2016 as a retail and digital game in North America. In Europe, it will be digital only.


Source: Aksys Games PR

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