Donkey Kong Land 2 3DS Virtual Console fotage
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Videos | 0 comments
North American Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire commercial
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Smash Bros. Wii U – Crazy Orders footage
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
Buy via eBay: Super Mario 3D World Wii U bundle with Nintendo Land for $270
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 5 Comments
Wii U deals are still appearing regularly these days – even ahead of Black Friday. The latest offer comes from Buy via eBay.
Consumers can purchase the Super Mario 3D World bundle, which includes Nintendo Land, for only $270. Free shipping is also included.
If you’re interested in the deal, you can check out the eBay page here.
More: sale
Skullgirls unlikely to hit Wii U
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U eShop | 15 Comments
In the most recent issue of Nintendo Force, the magazine interviewed Mariel Cartwright. Cartwright has worked on a number of projects including Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game and Skullgirls.
Nintendo Force ended up asking Cartwright about which of these two titles has a better chance of making it to a Nintendo system. She pointed to Skullgirls as the more likely candidate since work on the game is still ongoing, though “the chances are very low”.
Cartwright said:
“Probably Skullgirls, since we’re still working on it! But the chances are very low for that, I’m afraid. I’m not a programmer, but there are some technical hurdles we’d have to overcome, as well as uncertainty as to whether or not there’s a market for a hardcore fighter on Wii U. The lineup of indies is getting more and more diverse on Nintendo consoles though, so I wouldn’t say it’s impossible.
Thanks to Jake for the tip.
More: interviews, Mariel Cartwright, Skullgirls
uWordsmith in the works for Wii U
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News | 0 comments
Temple of Yog developer CHUDCHUD Industries has a second Wii U title in the works. Creator Cody Diefenthaler has been tweeting out a bunch of photos and Vine clips of “uWordsmith”, a new game for the eShop.
Diefenthaler hasn’t explicitly explained uWordsmith’s gameplay, but as the name implies, it seems to be all about putting letters together to form certain words and solving puzzles. There seems to be various modes included like “arcade” and “challenge”. It will also be possible to share records on Miiverse.
You’ll find a few of the items tweeted by Diefenthaler below. There’s also quite a bit more on his Twitter account.
p>new #WiiU word game in the works // easy #GamePad action #gamedev— Cody Diefenthaler (@chudchud) October 8, 2014
main menu #gamedev for uWordsmith #WiiU #indiegame
— Cody Diefenthaler (@chudchud) October 14, 2014
uWordsmith gameplay: TV shows image, GamePad shows puzzle w touch controls #WiiU #gamedev #indiegame
— Cody Diefenthaler (@chudchud) October 14, 2014
set new uWordsmith records and share on Miiverse! #WiiU #Nindies #gamedev #screenshotsaturday
— Cody Diefenthaler (@chudchud) November 1, 2014
uWordsmith Mosaic Mode (1/3) #WiiU #Nindies #gamedev #screenshotsaturday
— Cody Diefenthaler (@chudchud) November 1, 2014
More: CHUDCHUD Industries, indie, uWordsmith
A look back on the history of two anime veterans at Nintendo
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 2 Comments
German website Nintendo-Online has continued digging into some of the lesser-known facts about the company we all know and love. That leads us to some details about Hiroshi Ikeda and Yoichi Kotabe – two employees with backgrounds in the anime industry who are relatively unknown.
Nintendo-Online sent over the following summary of their findings:
Hiroshi Ikeda
– born 1934
– started working at Toei Animation around 1960. He directed and wrote several anime movies and episodes until 1972 and collaborated with the later-famous Hayao Miyazaki on Flying Phantom Ship
– later Ikeda was hired by Nintendo and became the General Manager of the newly founded Research & Development 4 department. Thus he was Miyamoto’s boss and responsible for assembling a development team for Miyamoto. Although uncredited, Ikeda was the producer of the early R&D4 games like Super Mario Bros. or The Legend of Zelda.
– around 1990, Miyamoto became GM of R&D4. Ikeda became president of a Joint Venture namend Mario Co. Ltd. that was founded in 1991 by Nintendo and Dentsu Prox.
– Mario Co. Ltd. developed an Famicom-port of Balloon Kid under the Hello Kitty label, called Hello Kitty World (published in 1992).
– Later Ikeda became president of another joint venture. This one was founded between Nintendo and Hudson in 1998 and was called Monegi. Although neither Monegi nor Ikeda appear in credits, this team is the development team behind Hudson’s Mario Party series.
– At first, Monegi was a Nintendo first party company, but after 2000 it belonged to Hudson. After Mario Party 8 the company seems to have dissolved and the series went on hiatus.
– Many former Monegi staff now work at Nd Cube and develop the new Mario Party games.
– What happened to Ikeda in the last years is unknown, but at the age of 80 it is safe to assume that he is finally retired.
Yoichi Kotabe
– born 1936
– started at Toei Animation at the end of the 1950s, becoming animator and finally chief animator and character artist.
– Kotabe never directed, instead serving as the animator on other people’s animes. He collaborated with famous anime directors like Hiroshi Ikeda, Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahato.
– After Kotabe left Toei, he, Miyazaki and Takahata were reunited to work on Heidi, Girl of the Alps (1974). Later, Kotabe also worked on the animation of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
– mid-1980 Kotabe was recruited for Nintendo by his former colleague Ikeda. He became illustrator for R&D4.
– Kotabe drew the official artwork for Super Mario Bros., refining Miyamoto’s early sketches and thus creating the modern appearances of Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Toad and Peach. The game’s cover artwork is, however, drawn by Miyamoto.
– Kotabe can be considered the father of Marios current design. He drew artworks for several other games and also created some in-game graphics, for example for Super Mario Bros. 2.
– Later, Kotabe was involved in the animation of the Pokémon series and movies. After 21 years, he left Nintendo, but reappeared 2011 to draw the artwork for Peach’s letters in Super Mario 3D Land.
More: Hiroshi Ikeda, Yoichi Kotabe
Taiko no Tatsujin Tokumori commercial
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 2 Comments
Nintendo working on a Mii-focused smart device app for release in 2015
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 9 Comments
Nintendo is developing a Mii-focused smart device app that will be released in 2015, president Satoru Iwata revealed during the company’s financial results briefing earlier this week.
Nintendo originally hoped to have the app sometime this year. However, the amount of ideas grew as development progressed, and a decision was made to bring them all to fruition while also adding polish to avoid launching a half-baked product. Iwata said that Nintendo wants to get things right since this is their first time and they want to reach as many consumers as possible. Rather than “doing business” on smart devices, Nintendo instead wants to strengthen the connection between the company and consumers.
Iwata’s comments came about while speaking about Nintendo’s Japanese homepage and how there currently isn’t a mobile version. This is something that will be addressed before the end of the year.
Glitch causing some Smash Bros. 3DS players to be banned for 136 years
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 16 Comments
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS appears to be suffering from a glitch that causes some players to receive a 136 year online ban. The exact origins are unknown, but here are a few ways that you can prevent the glitch from happening:
A. Try not to target one player in Group/FFA.
B. Just use 1v1 for the time being
C. Don’t use online at all.
D. Don’t quit mid-match
Hopefully Nintendo will release a patch in the future to address these issues!