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System: Nintendo 3DS (what a shock)
Release Date: October 3, 2014
Developer: Sora Ltd/Bandai Namco Games
Publisher: Nintendo

Author: Patrick

The long-awaited fourth entry in Nintendo’s crazy crossover series is finally out, but it finds itself on a curious platform – the 3DS. A multiplayer fighting game is a strange fit for the portable console, but this new instalment retains the addictive style of fighting and throws in a few new ways to battle. Even on the 3DS, the frenetic pace of previous entries is still present (to an extent – this ain’t Melee) and Smash is still very much an experience accessible to both newcomers and seasoned players, with plenty of weird Nintendo references, of course. As a sequel, the game promises more of everything: more characters, more items, more assist trophies, more stuff to collect… the problem is that in some cases Smash on the 3DS feels like a lesser game than the ones that’ve come before it. Make no mistake, the game is still an incredibly enjoyable time, especially with a few friends, but the series makes the jump to the 3DS with a couple of compromises.

Hero Bank 2 boxart

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

The Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate collaborations continue! A crossover with The Seven Deadly Sins anime is also planned, according to Weekly Shounen Sunday.

Players will be able to obtain a new Sword and Shield weapon based on The Seven Deadly Sins protagonist Meliodas’ weapon, the broken sword, or Dragon Handle. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate also features a special quest where materials can be collewcted to create Meliodas’ weapon.


Super Smash Bros. for 3DS will receive a patch to support Amiibo, Nintendo has announced. A date for the update was not shared, nor are there details available at this time. Stay tuned!



Season of Smash continues on 5th December with Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and two waves of amiibo on 28th November and 19th December

7th October 2014 – Strong launches in Europe, the Americas and Australia* have propelled the cumulative sales total for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS to more than 2.8 million worldwide. This first-ever portable instalment of the game has resonated with fans and critics alike, and its initial sales set Nintendo up for a strong Christmas season.

The “Season of Smash” is set for another boost as Nintendo today lifts the lid on the European release date for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, with the fighting series’ first foray into HD landing in European shops on 5th December. The first wave of Nintendo’s interactive amiibo figures will launch a week earlier, on 28th November. Twelve iconic Nintendo characters will be included in the first round, with six more figures set to launch with the second wave on 19th December.

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