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A few weeks ago, we posted about a special Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire pre-order offer from Toys “R” Us. Further details have since come to light.

It turns out that consumers who reserve both games can actually choose between two Charizard plushies: Mega Charizard X or Mega Charizard Y. The Mega Charizard X plush measures 10.5 inches in height whereas the Mega Charizard Y stands at 8 inches. Each one is valued at $22.99 as previously mentioned.


As promised, Nintendo has released an update for the 3DS version of Super Smash Bros. in Japan. Version 1.0.2 addresses issues with Peach’s down special while playing online. Additionally, the patch makes a few other unspecified improvements.


The Japanese Computer Entertainment Supplier’s Association named the winners of this year’s Japan Game Awards at the Tokyo Game Show.

Take a look below for the full lineup:

Grand Award

Monster Hunter 4
Youkai Watch

Award for Excellence

Dark Souls II
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
Grand Theft Auto V
Kan Colle
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
Pokemon X and Y
Puzzle & Dragons Z
Super Mario 3D World
Monster Hunter 4
Youkai Watch

Special Award


Global Award Japanese Product

Pokemon X/Y

Best Sales Award

Pokemon X/Y

Global Award Foreign Product



This week’s issue of Jump has yet another update for Final Fantasy Explorers.

Here’s the latest information from the magazine:


– Dragon knight: Uses “Jump” which is a powerful attack that strikes enemies from above. Ability: Jump
– Beast master: Has the power to control monsters and can absorb enemy’s health with attacks. Ability: Berserk
– Dark knight: Attacker with great power. Uses sickle/scythe and axe which have large range. Ability: Power blood


– Summon: Bahamut. Spits breaths with several attributes, rushes and causes earthquakes as attacks
– When you slay a monster, there is a chance to get a “spirit stone” as a drop. From those stones it is possible to create ally monsters

Source 1, Source 2

Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai Remix has received a name change in the west. Going forward, it will now be known as “Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX” in both North America and Europe.

SEGA announced the 3DS game for Japan earlier this week. In that territory, it’s known as “Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai Deluxe”.


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