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Nintendo’s E3 2014 lineup was varied to say the least. We saw plenty of action titles. RPGs. A game that lets you make your own Mario levels. A colorful shooter.

Shigeru Miyamoto, speaking at Nintendo’s Annual Shareholders Meeting last week, said the company “looked very unique” and received positive reactions thanks to its variety of games. That’s in contrast to other titles at the show, which Miyamoto felt were mainly “bloody shooter software that was mainly set in violent surroundings or, in a different sense, realistic and cool worlds”.

Here’s Miyamoto’s comments in full:

At Nintendo’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders meeting last week, one investor asked when we will next see The Legend of Zelda for Wii U. Unfortunately, Shigeru Miyamoto wasn’t able to say, but he did speak more about the game in general terms. Miyamoto specifically discussed Zelda Wii U’s “open world” – a term that he personally doesn’t like to use when making software, “but we used this term in order to make it easier for consumers to understand.”

Miyamoto went on to discuss The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds and how Nintendo started to change up the series’ formula with that game. And very interestingly, Miyamoto teased unannounced “ideas” for 3DS that he hopes fans will look forward to.

Elminage Another Story, a port of the 2012 PSP game is coming to Japan on August 28th. Check out the debut trailer below

I think Sakurai’s a little bit proud of today’s screenshots. The first is of Mega Man’s final smash:

Mega Man.EXE and Mega Man Volnutt!! They only appear for a split second, but the modeling is so detailed. And if that’s the case…!

And of course no Mega Man news would be complete without a dose of Mega Man X:


…How can we not use it for trophy creation?! Today’s update is a rare mix of Wii U and 3DS images in the same post.

This week’s GameStop ad has gone live. You can find it in full below:


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