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The latest episode of the Play Nintendo Show has gone live. Andrew and Jenna compete in ARMS to see who is victorious. Check out the full episode below.


Nintendo published another piece of new Zelda art just in time for Japan Expo 2017. Series producer Eiji Aonuma and other developers will be hosting a special masterclass at the French expo this week.

As for the art, it’s based on Eugène Delacroix’s “La Liberté guidant le peuple”. That’s an artwork at the Louvre, in case you were unaware.


Best Buy is taking pre-orders for the Metroid amiibo 2-pack for a second time. If you missed it originally, you can reserve it here.

Amazon Germany has started pre-orders for the new Metroid and Mario amiibo. These include the figures for Samus Returns, the new additions in the Super Mario series line, and the upcoming Super Mario Odyssey releases.

Everything can be pre-ordered from Amazon Germany here. Peach in her wedding outfit is also here. Note that these should ship to the US.

Last week, Nintendo held its 77th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. The big highlight of the event was the Q&A hosted by president Tatsumi Kimishima, Shigeru Miyamoto, and Shinya Takahashi.

While we covered it a few days ago, the full, official transcript is now available in English. You can give it a look right here.

The latest episode of Nintendo’s Japanese show Nyannyan Neko Mario Time has now gone live. We’ve included it below.

A new Pokemon scan has emerged for Takara Tomy A.R.T.S battle products promoting an Ultra Beast line. That wouldn’t be noteworthy in most instances, but a mystery addition is to the right of Silvally in the image above. Some are speculating that this could be a brand new addition or form for the series that will be featured in Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon.

News about Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon has been absent since the original announcement last month. With E3 out of the way and the two games a few months out, hopefully we’ll hear more soon.

Source, Via


Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma will be hosting a special masterclass session at Japan Expo 2017 later this week. Aonuma will be joined by Breath of the Wild art director Satoru Takizawa and illustrator Yusuke Nakano at the event which will cover the franchise’s art.

In celebration of the masterclass, a new piece of art has been published online. Take a look at the image above.

“The Art of The Legend of Zelda Series” masterclass will be held on Friday. It will be hosted between 12:30 PM and 1:15 PM local time.


Smash Bros. will once again be featured at this year’s Evo, one of the world’s largest eSports events. Melee will be around as usual, as will Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.

The two titles will be represented during the latter two days of Evo. Smash Bros. Melee will be closing out the festivities on Saturday night (July 15). Then on Sunday (July 16), it’ll be Smash Bros. Wii U’s turn, right before Street Fighter V and the end of the entire event.

Smash Bros. Wii U and Smash Bros. Melee were second and third in the registration voting, just behind Street Fighter V. 1,515 people signed up to play on Wii U while 1,435 intend to fight in Melee.


Over the past few years, the toys-to-life market seemed to be on the way out. Disney Infinity is dead. LEGO Dimensions hasn’t seen as much content as it once did. Activision also didn’t have a new Skylanders in 2017 for the first time in many years.

So at E3, it was somewhat surprising to see Ubisoft announce Starlink. And while Activision doesn’t have something completely new for Skylanders this year, it sounds like they’re still committed to the series.

In an interview with GamesIndustry, Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg had this to say about the state of Skylanders and the overall toys-to-life market:

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