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This week’s episode of Nintendo Minute has gone live. In today’s video, Kit and Krysta share their favorite 2016 Nintendo memories. Check out the full episode below.

Shovel Knight has been popping up in more and more games as of late. The character even made a cameo appearance in Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 earlier this year. In 2017, Shovel Knight will be showing up in Yooka-Laylee as well.

David D’Angelo of Yacht Club Games was asked about Shovel Knight’s cameos in a recent feature on Nintendo Life. He had this to say about the character being featured in other studios’ games.

“Typically with our cameos the developers have reached out to us as they were excited about the possibilities of having Shovel Knight in their worlds. It’s really thrilling for us to see Shovel Knight in new environments, so we’re happy to be a part of the fun. Honestly, we usually don’t have to do much from our end as all the developers we’ve worked with have been top notch and very respectful of the IP. Yooka-Laylee was an especially fun one though as we created the 3D model in-house. It was enjoyable to leave the second dimension for a bit! Gunvolt was incredible – it was amazing to work with Masaya Suzuki to design the Shovel Knight sprite. What a legend!”


Update: Okami Amaterasu life size bust is also in the works:

First 4 Figures has been on a roll with its teases for new Nintendo figures. Meta Ridley was confirmed last week, followed by Bowser just recently.

If that wasn’t enough, two more products are on the way, and both are Zelda-based. A life-size Majora’s Mask and Midna (in her true form) are on the way at some point. When we have more details, we’ll be sure to bring them to you.

Source 1, Source 2

Back in 2010, Instavision announced plans for a live-action TV series based on Atlus’ Wii game Trauma Team. Even though it sounded fairly ambitious in what all sides were hoping to achieve, it never got off the ground.

A video has now been uploaded to YouTube which seems to show the pilot. It was an early cut, meaning music and video edits were likely temporary. As for the show itself, the YouTube description states: “Four young medical prodigies are forced underground and become vigilante doctors by forming a renegade clinic to help desperate patients who have nowhere else to turn.”

Here’s the actual pilot:

And the lineup of actors:

Brandon Quinn as Ike Pratt
Eden Riegel as Taylor Rutske
Julie Mond as Vanessa Herrera
Erin Foster as Kate Finley
Jackson Davis as Pierce Miller
Armando Cosio as Mr. Mendoza

So that’s that. An interesting piece of history for Atlus and gaming as a whole – nothing more, as the TV series never went anywhere. 

Thanks to Jack for the tip.

Stephen Radosh produced the Mario and Zelda games for the Philips CD-i. But before that, one position he had was at SEGA.

Radosh was involved with working on arcade cabinets. One that never released was actually for a Nintendo character – specifically Donkey Kong. This would have been a title in which players controlled Donkey Kong as a parking attendant.

Radosh told Game Informer:

“Somehow Sega had gotten the rights to Donkey Kong. You were dodging cars that were pulling in and out of the lot, and you had to get X number of cars parked in spaces.”

What happened to that project, might you ask? When it was in development and Radosh was working at SEGA, the company (owned by Paramount at the time) was sold back to Japan.


After recently revealing plans for a Meta Ridley figure, First 4 Figures has pulled back the curtains on another Nintendo item. At some point in 2017, a new Bowser figure will be released.

Just like with Meta Ridley, we only have a single teaser image to look at, which is attached above. We’ll hopefully have more images and an actual release date at the start of 2017.


This month’s issue of Retro Gamer features an interview with Satoru Okada, a former designer at Nintendo. Okada worked at the company for about 40 years, and was directly involved with the creation of various hardware.

Some excerpts from the interview are now available. Below, you can read excerpts from Okada about the Game & Watch, Game Boy, and DS. You might be surprised to learn that late Nintendo president Satoru Iwata wasn’t initially interested in the idea for dual screens…

More: ,

A new Fire Emblem CD featuring music from the series is coming to Japan. Called “Fire Emblem Music Collection: Piano – Faith & Engagement -“, the CD will feature, as the name suggests, piano rearrangements of various tracks from the whole Fire Emblem series. All of these arrangements were performed and composed by KEIKO.

Below is the track list of the CD, including which game the track originated from:

  1. Battle Map 1 – Player Attack Phase (FE: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light)
  2. The Path to You (FE: Fates)
  3. Distant Utopia (FE: The Binding Blade)
  4. Victory is Near (FE: Path of Radiance)
  5. World Map – Chapter 3 (Liberation Battle – Each Road) (FE: Gaiden)
  6. Encounter (FE: Gaiden)
  7. Father’s Back (FE: Path of Radiance)
  8. Seliph’s Theme / Thoughts Going Around (FE: Genealogy of the Holy War)
  9. Leif’s Army, In Search of Victory – Leif (FE: Thracia 766)
  10. Id (Serenity) (FE: Awakening)
  11. Legend of the Divine Dragon (A) (FE: Mystery of the Emblem)
  12. Child of Chaos (FE: Radiant Dawn)
  13. Don’t Speak her Name! (FE: Awakening)
  14. Alight (FE: Fates)
  15. Ascent (FE: Radiant Dawn)
  16. Lost in Thoughts All Alone (FE: Fates)

The album will be released on February 22nd for the price of 3200 Yen.

Additionally, two live performances of the CD will be held on March 12th at the Science Museum Science Hall in Tokyo.

Source 1, Source 2

Update: Bumped to the top. Bear with us as we try to explain this.

Fire Emblem Fates is getting a manga after all starting with the March issue of Ichijinsha’s Monthly Comic Zero Sum out on January 28. It’s called Fire Emblem if: Nibelung no H?kan (Fire Emblem Fates: Crown of Nibelung), and focuses on the character Leo. Tama Yugy?ji will be drawing the series.

The manga Kozaki was involved with is still cancelled. We’re now less certain that Kozaki’s manga would have been for Fire Emblem Fates – it could have been for something else, despite what we heard last year.

In any case, the point is that Fire Emblem Fates will be receiving a manga next month. Kozaki’s manga remains cancelled / on hold. Hopefully that’s clear!

Thanks to KilleyMC for the tip.

Original: The Fire Emblem Fates manga was announced well over a year ago. However, it has yet to resurface since then. There seems to be good reason for that, as the manga has seemingly ran into some issues. It’s either been put on hold or outright cancelled.

Fire Emblem Fates artist Yusuke Kozaki was originally on board to draw illustrations. But on his Twitter account, he shared the following message:

“Regarding the Fire Emblem manga, due to various circumstances, right now the plans have essentially been suspended. Everyone who was looking forward to it, we are deeply sorry. Personally speaking, I would like to draw FE as a manga one way or another.”

Source 1, Source 2, Via

The 1993 Super Mario Bros. film is seeing another release on Blu-ray towards the beginning of 2017. Zavvi is now taking pre-orders for a new Limited Edition Steelbook version, which is an exclusive at the UK retailer.

Along with the movie itself, the Blu-ray contains extra content. Included is a new 60-minute documentary with many folks involved with the production, including co-directors Rocky Morton and Annabel Jankel, producer Roland Joffe, and actors John Leguizamo and Richard Edson. Archive interviews with Bob Hoskins and producer Jake Eberts are in as well. Buyers can also expect to receive the original electronic press cit and behind the scenes / storyboard galleries.

Zavvi is taking pre-orders here. It should ship on February 13.

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