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Warner Bros. developer Monolith Productions has done very little with Nintendo hardware in the past. But a new job listing is sparking speculation that the studio – which made the acclaimed Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor – could have something to offer in the future… maybe on NX?

This line from a Quality Assurance Manager posting is what gamers are talking about in particular:

Knowledge of certification standards for Microsoft (TCR compliance), Sony (TRC compliance), or Nintendo (Lot Check).

Of course, there’s no specific mention of NX there. Having the word “or” is also important, as it could mean a person with experience publishing games on major platforms is simply needed. I suppose only time will tell if something ever comes from this!

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Originally, Nintendo hoped to have the N64 out on the market by Christmas in 1995. The console ended up with a delay though, and wouldn’t be ready until several months later in the following year. Although Nintendo cited a need for more software to be completed, a former Silicon Graphics engineer contended that the extra wait stemmed from issues with the console’s chips.

Ex-Rare staffer and GoldenEye 007 director Martin Hollis was invited to Silicon Graphics before the N64 launched. He actually found a weakness within the hardware, which could have potentially caused another delay had it been addressed.

Hollis told Nintendo Life:

I got to travel to SGI in Mountain View to write test code that would run on some of the few ‘golden chips’ – this is the terminology for the first chips which come off the production line. From the initial run there were very few working chips, and SGI kept them in-house, so a few developers would fly out to use them for a week. I think I might have been the only ‘worker’ from Rare, although Chris Stamper travelled.

I wrote a piece of code which displayed spinning icosahedrons; as many as possible until the framerate dropped below 60Hz. The head of the project at SGI was not too pleased to discover what the performance of the machine was in terms of triangles per second. He asked to see my code in the hope it was inefficient. It wasn’t. He later told me that SGI very nearly did another spin of the hardware to fix the issue, which was with the memory interface.

Update: Amazon Japan now has the dioramas up for pre-order, although these do not ship outside of Japan. The page also does give us an image of the Kirby amiibo/diorama bundle, added to the gallery.

Nintendo has revealed two amiibo diorama kits for Japan. Versions based on Smash Bros. and Kirby will both be sold starting on April 28. Pricing is set at 864 yen each.

With Kirby, a bundle will also be available. Customers will receive the diorama and the figure from the Kirby series amiibo for 2,160 yen.

We’ve attached some photos of the two diorama kits below.



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Nintendo filed a Japanese patent a couple of years ago under the name “Information processing system, information processing program, information processing method and imaging device”. However, it was only just published yesterday. Essentially, it involves a device that features object detection using cameras and mirrors, and could theoretically be used as a controller, a projector, and more.

The patent is admittedly a bit convoluted and may make more sense to those who are familiar with the technical side of things. Still, you can find more information here if you’re interested.


Nintendo has had an online store in the UK for quite awhile now. But today, the company is expanding its reach into other European territories. You can find the official hub here and proceed based on your language.



MyGamingBoulevard has posted a video showing the Kirby series amiibo once again. Get a closer look at Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede, and Waddle Dee below.


StreetPass UK spoke with Capcom’s Yoshinori Ono last month. During the chat, the Street Fighter producer was asked about other characters from the series he’d like to see in Smash. He also showed some interest in something like Nintendo vs. Capcom when asked about Smash Bros. characters that could be a good fit in Street Fighter.

Here’s the full interview:

Thanks to Jake for the tip.

IGN spoke with Sonic creators Yakashi Iizuka and Yuji Naka about some of their memories when working on the series at SXSW a couple of weeks ago. See what they had to say in the video below.

Data from market research company Technavio indicates that Nintendo invested close to $527 million in research and development during the past fiscal year. In addition, the company generated $5 billion in revenue.

Technavio’s report reveals the top five leading vendors in the global motion-controlled remote market, which includes Nintendo. Hillcrest Labs, LG, Samsung, and SMK are also named.


The Ace Attorney anime finally debuted a few hours ago. Now the question is, how long will it run for?

A comment from Capcom’s Shu Takumi indicates that the Ace Attorney anime will be around for half a year. That probably means we can count on a little over 20 episodes.

Here’s a promo video for the second Ace Attorney anime episode by the way:


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