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A new advert for Sonic the Hedgehog’s 25th anniversary has been spotted in the latest issue of ToyWorld Magazine, which is posted above. Information about SEGA’s plans is also included. It doesn’t reveal too much, but there are a few interesting takeaways.

Here’s the main highlight:

“2016 will be a a celebration of Sonic’s 25th birthday throughout the year. New Style Guides and new collaborations across toy, gift apparel, branded events and bespoke retail events initiatives will be on offer throughout the year.”


In other Sonic news, the previously-announced movie is still happening. That information comes from writer Van Robichaux, who told one fan the following on Twitter:

Source 1, Source 2

Nintendo has joined plenty of social media sites over the years, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. The Big N is now on Tumblr as well. If you’d like to keep up with their posts, visit Nintendo’s page here.


During a Reddit AMA yesterday, Oculus founder Palmer Luckey was asked for his thoughts about the Virtual Boy. Luckey was mostly down on the system, but had a positive comment regarding its LED display.

Luckey personally doesn’t consider the Virtual Boy to be a VR device. He finds this to be a “shame”, as he says Nintendo’s product “hurt the industry in the long run.” Luckey also acknowledged the Virtual Boy’s LED display – the first in a consumer device – and noted that it was “probably the best contrast of any display up to that point”.

Below are Luckey’s full comments:

“Not really a VR device, IMO. No head tracking, low field of view, essentially a monochrome 3DTV.

A real shame, too, because the association of the Virtual Boy with VR hurt the industry in the long run.

It did have the first LED display in a consumer device, though – probably the best contrast of any display up to that point!”

Source, Image source

Kevin Bayliss was at Rare for over 20 years. Now he’s with Playtonic, the developer behind Yooka-Laylee. It actually sounds like he’s been assisting the team for some time, but he’s joining them in an official capacity.

Bayliss was one of Rare’s first employees. As graphics director, he helped come up with characters for well-known titles such as Battletoads, Killer Instinct, Diddy Kong Racing, and Star Fox Adventures. Bayliss also worked with Shigeru Miyamoto to create the modern Donkey Kong and sidekick Diddy for Diddy Kong Country.


Mega Man isn’t the only new collaboration on the way to Monster Hunter X. Starting on January 15, players can take on a quest made in partnership with Square Enix. It lets players take on Kushala Daora, and provides the Knyaight Sword and Knyaight Series armor for your Felyne Palico.


Game Informer has an annual tradition of sharing its top 50 games from a particular year. In the magazine’s latest issue, they’ve done this once again – now for 2015.

Below is what Game Informer considers to be the top 50 games of last year (ranked by release date):

Japanese magazine Nintendo Dream is celebrating the start of 2016 in its latest issue. Various game developers and other key members related to the industry contributed handmade drawings, including representatives from Nintendo, Capcom, Square Enix, and more.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing the various images featured in Nintendo Dream. The second set of drawings, rounded up in the gallery below, features Super Mario Maker, Ace Attorney, and some others. We also have text accompanying the shots (including many developer comments!) after the break.

GameStop has started accepting orders for the new Skylanders amiibo combo packs. Hammer Slam Bowser with Clown Cruiser, in addition to Donkey Kong with Barrel Blaster, can be ordered here. Each one is priced at $25.

This week’s episode of Nintendo Minute has gone live. In the new video, Kit and Krysta check out FAST Racing Neo and SteamWorld Heist. We’ve attached the latest Nintendo Minute below.

Many of you are probably aware that Nintendo’s line of amiibo figures don’t work unless they’re taken out of the packaging. Each box comes with a protective piece of material that blocks NFC functionality from being used.

With Shovel Knight, however, this isn’t an issue. There’s no material to speak of with the new figure. It’s not exactly easy to use Shovel Knight while he’s still in the box, but it can definitely be done.


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