Miyamoto – Mario’s origins, VR, approach to consoles, Wii U’s struggles, training staff, staying with Nintendo, more
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 74 Comments
NPR has put up a massive interview with Shigeru Miyamoto. There’s tons of talk about Mario’s origins, but plenty of other topics as well.
We’ve posted the Q&A breakdown below. You can find the original piece here as well. I’d recommend giving this interview a look, since it’s very interesting!
More: interview, Shigeru Miyamoto, top
Miyamoto: “I would never call Mario a kids game or a mascot that only kids understand”
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 20 Comments
Mario has the capacity to resonate with kids, but that doesn’t mean that’s the franchises only demographic. This is something that creator Shigeru Miyamoto echoed in an interview with NPR.
He told the publication:
I would never call Mario a kids game or a mascot that only kids understand. It taps into fundamental building blocks of play. It’s fun to jump and it’s fun to run and feel free and fly up into the sky and all those things.
You can have a full listen to the interview below.
More: interview, Mario, Shigeru Miyamoto, top
Over 52,000 people attended E3 2015, other stats
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
E3 2015 was attended by 52,200 people from 109 countries, the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) has revealed. While that number is a bit of a jump, the ESA did mention that “prosumers” were allowed in to the event for the first time.
At E3 2015, there were 1,600 products on display from 300 exhibitors. 6.3 million posts pertaining to E3 were published on Twitter, Instagram saw over 7.5 million likes, and YouTube experienced more than one million video uploads.
Michael D. Gallagher, president and CEO of ESA, said of E3 2015’s success:
“More than any other E3, this year was about the gamer. E3 demonstrated both the remarkable transformation of entertainment taking place on all video game platforms-virtual reality, augmented reality, hardware, mobile and handheld-and awesome games. As a driving force for technological and entertainment trends across the globe, the video game industry clearly demonstrated how it is revolutionizing the way people consume, engage and interact with media. Congratulations to our incredibly creative exhibitors, members, partners and the millions of video game consumers who celebrated a spectacular E3 event.”
More: E3 2015
Inafune on Mighty No. 9 – IP ownership, didn’t want to copy Mega Man, next game won’t be on Kickstarter, more
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 3 Comments
In an interview with Engadget, Keiji Inafune commented on a number of topics pertaining to Mighty No. 9. He commented on the benefits of owning the IP, how the team didn’t want to copy Mega Man, confirmed that a sequel wouldn’t be funded via Kickstarter, and more.
Read on below for Inafune’s comments. You can find Engadget’s original piece here.
On owning the IP…
“As a creator, as myself, the best thing that happened to this project [Mighty No. 9] is that I have the IP. The IP is mine. The IP is the company’s IP, so we can do whatever we want. And that will actually speed things up really nicely because once the backers ask for something, we don’t have to go over to the publisher or the first-party [studio] … or whoever we’re working with. We can just make the decision.”
More: Comcept, Deep Silver, interview, Inti Creates, Keiji Inafune, Mighty No. 9
Yarn Yoshi amiibo pre-orders impacted at a few European retailers due to destroyed stock
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 9 Comments
Update: Some clarification from “info amiibo”:
Actually, Yarn Yoshi pre-orders cancellations are only coming from France at the moment and they were first reported on @infoamiibo. Auchan (a major retailer) said on twitter Nintendo France destroyed bundles and amiibo, and the same goes for Boulanger (another major french retailer) who told us exactly the same thing. I reached to Nintendo France for more information about this.
So here’s something rather strange that we’re hearing about. Apparently some Yarn Yoshi amiibo pre-orders are being impacted at select European retailers – particularly in France – due to destroyed stock.
We’re not entirely sure about the particulars of the situation, but there’s no reason to worry about this being a widespread issue just yet. It’s also possible that this may have been an innocuous mistake rather than someone intentionally destroying stock.
Nintendo releasing new Mario playing cards in Japan next month
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment
Nintendo is releasing new Mario playing card sets in Japan next month. The ones pictured above are due out sometime in July for 1,000 yen each. Photos can be found below.