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It seems like the Ness amiibo has leaked out early! A Chinese auction lists the figure, photos and all. Hopefully it won’t be long before we see Ness in stores…



There’s been a lot of talk over the past few weeks about SEGA’s shift in development. The company now intends to focus on PC and mobile as opposed to traditional gaming systems. However, that doesn’t mean SEGA is stopping console development entirely – especially when it comes to Sonic.

Japanese outlet 4Gamer recently interviewed Takashi Iizuka, head of Sonic Team. In one question, 4Gamer asks if SEGA is transitioning Sonic into a smartphone franchise.

Iizuka confirms that this isn’t the case. With the recently released Sonic Runners, SEGA simply felt that mobile was the most suitable platform for the game. Iizuka added, “Personally, I don’t plan to stop Sonic for home-video game consoles.”

So there you have it! We should eventually hear about another Sonic game for consoles. Let’s just hope it isn’t as disappointing as Sonic Boom.

Thanks to Mii for the tip.

Source, Via

It’s a trip down memory lane! Maxis was developing SimCopter 64 – a remake of the original SimCopter – for the Nintendo 64DD. It was cancelled in 1999.

SimCopter 64 wasn’t meant to be, but Unseen64 published a short off-screen video today taken at E3 1997. You can watch it above.


Majora’s Mask New 3DS XL systems have been tough to find around the world. However, a listing from GameStop indicates that the handheld could be restocked in one country next month.

If a listing from GameStop Italy is accurate, the Majora’s Mask New 3DS XL system will be available once again on March 27. Pre-orders are currently live here.

It’s important to point out that this situation is specific to GameStop Italy at the moment. There’s also a possibility that the retailer’s listing is inaccurate. We’ll keep you updated if there’s anything new to share about the situation.


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There have been plenty of manga adaptations based on The Legend of Zelda over the years. Akira Himekawa led the way on creating manga for several titles, including Ocarina of Time, Skyward Sword, and more.

Another Zelda manga made by Akira Himekawa was for Majora’s Mask. To celebrate the launch of Nintendo’s remake on 3DS, images have been shared showing a scrapped chapter. The chapter would have centered around Link stumbling upon Romani and Cremia as the two struggle to control the horses Cremia uses to drive her wagon.

Keep your eyes peeled for a look at another scrapped part of the Majora’s Mask manga in the near future.


Walmart has started cracking down on multiple gold Mario pre-orders. If you reserved more than one, you should be receiving a refund along with the email notice above. That should make things a bit more fair for everyone!


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Endgame Studios is seriously interested in Fractured Soul 2. The team actually began working on the project well over a year ago, and even prototyped levels.

That all sounds promising, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, there’s a good chance that Fractured Soul 2 won’t ever happen. Endgame co-founder Grant Davies told Cubed3 in an interview that the studio “couldn’t face spending more years trying to convince publishers to invest in a sequel – we were just mentally washed out from the eight years trying to get the first game out.” He added, “it’s very difficult to secure investment in such a novel idea as Fractured Soul, so unfortunately, I’m not holding my breath.”

Davies’ full comments:

We’d love to do Fractured Soul 2. We started work on it 18 months ago, prototyping some levels. We had some really great ideas. But again, it takes money to build games, and we couldn’t face spending more years trying to convince publishers to invest in a sequel – we were just mentally washed out from the eight years trying to get the first game out. I think if we ever did a sequel, we’d go for high quality pixel art, and maybe try to return to that original storyline. But it’s very difficult to secure investment in such a novel idea as Fractured Soul, so unfortunately, I’m not holding my breath.


This summer, a live-action movie adaptation based on Corpse Party will debut in Japan.

AKB48 member Rina Ikoma will be appearing in the film along with Ryosuke Ikeoka from D-BOYS and fashion model Nozomi Maeda. Asami Imai is performing the theme song.

Filming for the Corpse Party movie will kick off on March 15.


lifetime-ownership Console-purchase-factors

A US-focused survey conducted by Nielson provides some insight into why people buy certain consoles.

In general terms, 91 percent of Wii, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 owners crossed over to the Wii U, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One generation. And specifically regarding Wii U, 86 percent previously bought the Wii.

Why did people purchase a Wii U? The system’s fun-factor was the most-desirable element, followed by its family-friendly nature, price/value, backwards compatibility, and exclusive games/content.

Source, Via


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