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Nintendo will be increasing the price of amiibo in Canada starting on April 1. Figures will now cost $15.99 CAD rather than $13.99 CAD.

“The price increase is in direct response to current and future projected exchange rates between Canadian and US dollars,” Nintendo said. “Retailers are free to set their own prices.”

In other news, we’re hearing that the gold Mario is coming to muliple retailers in Canada. This is due out on April 10 for $15.99.

Source 1, Source 2

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TIME’s third Nintendo-centric piece today is entirely based on an interview with Shigeru Miyamoto. Miyamoto further discussed Splatoon’s Mario origins, his reputation, other forms of entertainment, the platforms he found particularly fun working on, and plenty more.

As always, we’ve rounded up the quotes below. Head past the break for Miyamoto’s comments.

A second article from TIME covers several Nintendo-related topics in addition to mobile gaming. President Satoru Iwata, Nintendo of America CEO Reggie Fils-Aime, and Shigeru Miyamoto participated in the discussion. We’ve rounded up all of the tidbits and quotes below.

On amiibo…

– Iwata started sketching out the amiibo idea while on a bullet train in late 2013
– Iwata got more and more excited as he mulled the concept
– He dashed off a four-page pitch to his engineers

“It was something I believed would be completely new for us.”

Reggie and Iwata on how pursuing smart devices helps Nintendo…

“We view it as that marriage of the software with the hardware that together creates a compelling experience.” – Reggie

“If we don’t take an approach that looks holistically at the form a video-game platform should take in the future, then we’re not able to sustain Nintendo 10 years down the road. We would like to create several hit titles by effectively leveraging the appeal of Nintendo IP.” – Iwata

TIME has gone up with a big interview featuring Nintendo president Satoru Iwata.

Some highlights include:

– Decided to try out mobile after finding solutions to Nintendo’s problems; not porting games from their systems, but instead making new software
– “for each title, we will discuss with DeNA and decide the most appropriate payment method”
– Not against Miyamoto getting involved with development, but he’s currently focusing on Wii U games for this year
– “Development of smart device games will be mainly done by Nintendo”
– Wanted to talk about NX so there wouldn’t be a misunderstanding that Nintendo isn’t as interested in dedicated games
– Iwata promises not to do anything that may hurt Nintendo IP

We’ve rounded up the full Q&A after the break. Be sure to check out TIME’s full piece here as well.

Siliconera published a new interview with Hiro Maekawa, the president of Natsume. Maekawa ended up addressing a variety of topics, including Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley, why the company decided to localize A-Train, and more. Maekawa also said that Harvest Moon 64 won’t be coming to the Virtual Console due to technical issues, and noted that there isn’t any news on Natsume returning to older games such as Wild Guns.

We’ve rounded up a few of Maekawa’s comments below. You can find the full interview on Siliconera here.

It was recently revealed that Akari Uchida and Mino Taro have left Konami. Both staffers played a significant role in the creation of the LovePlus and Tokimeki Memorial titles.

Konami followed up with an official notice today, and said that the LovePlus series will continue despite the departure of Uchida and Taro. The full message reads:

Thank you for your continued interest in our product line.

Given the resignations of Akari Uchida and Mino Taro as staff members who were formerly in charge of production on the Love Plus and Tokimeki Memorial franchises, we are aware of everyone’s concerns about the future of both franchises.

Love Plus and Tokimeki Memorial are both series of games that are deeply important to us and have earned your love and adoration for many years and as such, production of them will continue unabated and it is our sincere hope that you will likewise maintain your enduring support moving forward.

If there are still any remaining points that you wish to see clarified, you may reach us at our customer service line.


Nintendo will release its next fiscal year earnings release on May 7, the company announced today. This period will cover the fiscal year ending March 31. When May rolls on in, we should hear more about Nintendo’s Quality of Life plans, as well as further usage of its character IP.


On the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Nintendo shares are seeing their highest increase since June 2011.

This positive performance comes on the heels of the recent announcement of a future new console, customer membership program, as well as a partnership with DeNa.

There is no telling at this time whether or not the latest news will have a sustained affect on their shares, however we are sure to be seeing much more news coming our way over the next few months.


Nintendo is still pumping out rewards over on Club Nintendo Japan. The latest batch includes:

Mario masking tapes (200 points, out in May)
Donkey Kong, Rosalina, and Splatoon Squid handkerchiefs (120 points each, out in May)
Block, bob-omb, and fire flower rubber coasters (150 points each, out in April)
Nikki 3DS theme (10 points, out in April)
Club Nintendo 2016 calendar (70 points, out in May)

Those aren’t the only rewards slated for Club Nintendo Japan. Last month, a Mario Kart 8 soundtrack was confirmed for the program, along with plenty of other prizes.

Source, Via

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